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  • 10 Best Tips to Find a Job When Relocating

    Are you planning to move? That’s great news, but now you might wonder what that means for your job. Some people are lucky – they can relocate and keep working the same position as always, just remotely. For others, however, this isn’t an option. They must search for and land a job in their soon-to-be new city. This can be intimidating, given that getting a new job even under normal circumstances can be challenging. Now you’ll have to overcome additional hurdles. This article provides valuable tips on how to find a job in another state. Because it can be done! Read on to learn how.

  • 4 Ways to Make Your Job Posting More Inclusive

    According to a Glassdoor survey,

  • How to Calculate Net Income

    Understanding your finances can be daunting even if you’re good with numbers. Your net income, in particular, is a key metric for determining how well you’re doing financially and whether your current way of operating is sustainable or not.

  • To ATS or not to ATS

    As hiring is becoming more analytical and data-driven, companies have found ways to incorporate technology to help hire and recruit more efficiently. ATS, also known as an applicant tracking system, has become one of the most widely adopted technological recruiting tools to date. In fact, according to data from Capterra:

  • 6 Best Ways to End a Cover Letter with Examples

    Including a cover letter with your resume is a great way to introduce yourself to the hiring manager, tell them why you’re the ideal fit for the role, and provide context about your personal situation. A strong cover letter will give you an advantage over other applicants. But it’s important that you structure it properly and write it powerfully so that it carries an impact. This article will discuss how to end a cover letter effectively so you catch the eye of a hiring manager and increase your odds of landing an interview. Read on to learn more.

  • How to Ask for a Raise at Work

    Here we go again; it’s time to talk money. Whether you’re one year in at a new company or approaching year five on the same team, learning how to ask for a raise should be part of your long-term career plan. These conversations are rarely fun (thanks to society, which has conditioned us to believe that money is taboo), but they are necessary if you want to, well, get paid what you’re worth. Trust us, there’s a lot of money on the table for taking. Below, we’ll discuss tips on timing, approach, and follow-up.