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    • Growing Discontent: Employees Wouldn't Wish Their Jobs on Their Worst Enemy

      The start of a new year, and most people are already busy setting personal and professional goals. What’s on the top of the list for a growing number of working people is making an exit from the job they currently have. Why?

    • How to Gracefully Quit a Job You Just Started

      You’ve just started learning the ropes at your new job, and you've gotten to know your colleagues. But you’re already thinking about quitting. Maybe you were deciding between to job offers and realized that you’ve made the wrong choice. Or, a change in your personal circumstances means that you have to quit.

    • How to Professionally Reschedule a Job Interview Without Destroying Your Chances

      You’ve practiced answering common interview questions and refined your “greatest weakness.’ Nothing can stop you until BAM! The flu hits your household. Or you ran over a nail and popped a tire en route to the interview. When you need to pivot, there’s a good, better, and best way to reschedule a job interview. Here’s how to do it professionally, so you can nail the gig when the timing is right. 

    • 10 Importancies of Setting Realistic Goals

      We’ve all heard how important it is to set professional and personal goals. Developing and establishing goals keeps us motivated and moving forward in life. But not all goals are created equal. If you’re chasing goals that are too lofty, you’ll end up disappointed when you cannot reach them. Setting goals that are achievable and measurable is the key to success.

    • Email Etiquette Principles - Why is it Important 

      Why is email etiquette important? Let's imagine you're hiring for a new role, and you’ve just received the email below.

    • Should I Hire for Potential Over Experience?

      The workforce is shifting every day. In fact, research from the World Economic Forum (WEF) shows over half of employees around the world will need to upskill or reskill by 2025. The rapid rise of digital literacy, automation, and new technologies will quickly supersede businesses that don't train ahead of the curve. With the dire need to invest in training, it's evident that hiring someone with experience isn't that much different than hiring someone without it.

    • How to Decide Between Two Job Offers: 10 Practical Tips

      It’s arguably a good predicament to have. You’ve applied to many jobs, interviewed multiple times, and now find yourself with two legit job offers. Nice! But although this is a feel-good validation of everything you have to offer, a daunting choice lies ahead. How do you decide which job will be the best fit for you?