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    Company: Epic Sales Group in Mt Pleasant, PA


    • Growing Discontent: Employees Wouldn't Wish Their Jobs on Their Worst Enemy

      The start of a new year, and most people are already busy setting personal and professional goals. What’s on the top of the list for a growing number of working people is making an exit from the job they currently have. Why?

    • How to Gracefully Quit a Job You Just Started

      You’ve just started learning the ropes at your new job, and you've gotten to know your colleagues. But you’re already thinking about quitting. Maybe you were deciding between to job offers and realized that you’ve made the wrong choice. Or, a change in your personal circumstances means that you have to quit.

    • How to Professionally Reschedule a Job Interview Without Destroying Your Chances

      You’ve practiced answering common interview questions and refined your “greatest weakness.’ Nothing can stop you until BAM! The flu hits your household. Or you ran over a nail and popped a tire en route to the interview. When you need to pivot, there’s a good, better, and best way to reschedule a job interview. Here’s how to do it professionally, so you can nail the gig when the timing is right. 

    • How to Get a Union Job? A Step-by-Step Guide

      A union job can significantly impact your job security, pay, and employment benefits. Whether this is your first job or you have years of experience, a union job can offer much-needed protection in a labor market where employees are hired and fired at will. 

    • How to Decide Between Two Job Offers: 10 Practical Tips

      It’s arguably a good predicament to have. You’ve applied to many jobs, interviewed multiple times, and now find yourself with two legit job offers. Nice! But although this is a feel-good validation of everything you have to offer, a daunting choice lies ahead. How do you decide which job will be the best fit for you?

    • How to Fire an Employee

      So… you've finally decided to let one of your employees go. Drafting the paperwork and corresponding with HR is the easy part, but knowing how to fire an employee is where things get complicated. In fact, it is one of the most challenging conversations to have in the workplace. However, it must be done, and it must be done with poise and tact. Not only should you keep your state law in mind, but you should also consider your former employee's wellbeing.

    • How Long Does it Take to Hear Back from a Job?

      Are you applying for your very first job? Maybe you’re anticipating your termination from your current role and want to be proactive. Either way, waiting to hear back on your job application can be stressful. If time has passed since you applied, you may wonder how long does it take to hear back from a job. Well, the answer is... it depends.