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    • Why Do Recruiters Ghost and What Can You Do About It?

      Once you’ve finally mustered up the courage to find another job, leaning into the job hunt can feel scary and overwhelming. So, it does nothing to help your confidence when your outbox is full of unanswered follow-ups and interview requests. You thought that ghosting only happens on dating apps—so why do recruiters ghost, too? Recruiter ghosting is not an effective recruiting strategy, but sometimes it’s inevitable. How can you overcome such an unfortunate new career trend? Read on.

    • Internal Hiring Best Practices

      Each companies hiring strategy is based on a set of rules that defines the ideal candidate. Many companies utilize internal and external hiring to ensure they have skilled, experienced workers. If you work in recruiting, maximizing your internal hiring strategies could be the key to retaining employees and simplifying your hiring process.

    • Why Leadership Is So Important in Your Career

      There are plenty of baseball players worldwide, but only a select few will master the sport enough to play in the World Series. Similarly, you’ll meet hundreds of “managers” throughout your professional career. Still, only a few will cement themselves as true leaders in your mind. This is why leadership is important—the most influential leaders leave a mark. They inspire. 

    • Resume Job Description Samples - 8 Tips to Follow

      When looking for a job, your resume becomes a crucial element. From making a great first impression to showcasing all your achievements and potential, your resume has to portray your professional story in minutes.

    • Internship Cover Letter Tips with Examples

      Until now, college has been about learning, absorbing, and experiencing. It’s not until you become eligible for an internship that things start getting real—real-world experiences using real-life scenarios. Applying for internships takes time, and there’s no college course on “how to apply for jobs.” (We’d sign up immediately if there was, though!) But here's a spoiler alert: most internships require a cover letter. And while this may seem like a burden, it’s actually a blessing. 

    • 5 Practical Ways to Remove Bias from your Hiring Process

      Many employers think their hiring process is perfect. However, research shows that the hiring processes are generally impartial and unfair, especially if you are part of certain demographics. Women, people of color, people with disabilities, or even people in lower socioeconomic status are more likely to be subject to implicit bias. As diversity and employer branding become major aspects of business, it is important that employers take the lead to identify and remove bias from the hiring process. So, here are 5 practical ways to get you started.

    • Tips to Get Your First Job Confidently

      Whether you’re a recent graduate or you still have a few exams left, you may be itching to put your polished leather shoes on and join the workforce. After all, your first job is an entryway into the professional life you’d lead for the decades to come.