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    • Why is Time Management Important? 10 Crucial Importances of Time Management

      We’ve all been there before. What starts as a relaxing evening scroll quickly becomes a full-blown binge. You blink, and it’s midnight - throwing off your entire next day before it even starts. And at its worst, this indulgence might leave you feeling behind on things you planned to finish that night. This is why time management is important. 

    • Minimizing Candidate Renegs During the Hiring and Onboarding Process 

      Candidates reneging on job offers or during the onboarding process can be a frustrating experience for any recruiter. In a talent-driven job market, it’s common for candidates to have more than one job offer to consider. It becomes a race against time to see which organization can offer the best career experience, compensation, and circumstances that secure the right employees. 

    • 10 Reasons to Be on Time at Work

      Being punctual at work may not be something you’ve given much thought to, but it’s the foundation for building a successful career. All of your technical or job-specific skills will be in vain if your peers and superiors can’t trust you to show up on time and do the work. In fact, Simon Sinek once famously said that

    • Into the Heart of the Ukrainian-Russian Conflict

      The story of our US-Ukraine connection started when Kevin met Dave. Days away from quitting his last "real" job as a seafood plant manager, Kevin reconnected with a long-lost friend from high school. Little did he know, this long-lost friend was dating his soon-to-be business partner. After meeting Dave through their mutual connection, it didn't take long for the two to start bouncing business ideas off each other. The flow of creativity soon grew into a business partnership that has withstood the test of time.

    • Making the Move to Salary Transparency

      The salary transparency trend continues. Last year, Colorado passed its Equal Pay Transparency Rules, which required employers to include compensation in job postings, notify employees about promotional opportunities, and record job descriptions and wage records. Soon after, states like Washington, Nevada, Maryland, and Rhode Island followed suit.

    • Brand Reputation 101

      People's initial perception of your organization is also known as your brand reputation. Your brand rep either encourages or discourages people from engaging with your company. This means the way people view your company will affect sales and even recruiting efforts.

    • Recruiting in a Tight Market

      As a recruiter or employer, you know how much the economy affects your recruitment and retention efforts. You aren't just in competition with companies in your industry, but you are also fighting against inflation, recession, unemployment rates, and so much more.