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    • Why Cover Letters Are Important & How To Write One | Job\Searcher

      Most people completely waste their cover letter real estate. Your cover letter is another opportunity to speak directly about how your background and capabilities align with the opportunity you seek. It also allows you to introduce your personality a bit more than a resume does. So, why are cover letters important? Because you can stand out, big time, with a custom cover letter directed to the right person.

    • Hiring Again After Mass Layoffs

      It's never an easy decision to let members of your staff go, but depending on the state of your business, mass layoffs may have been the only way to survive. Now that you're months into the future, you may find yourself itching to start hiring again after previous layoffs.

    • Why Are Internships Important & How Can You Get One?

      Internships are for college students or people who have just completed their degree. If you are a student or recent grad, you may be wondering how to land an internship. If you've never had one, you may even wonder if you need one. After all, didn’t you work in that call center while also doing exams? Or perhaps you’ve bartended your first year in college?

    • How to Dress on the First Day of Work (Men & Women)

      You did it! Out of hundreds of applicants and dozens of people interviewed, you’re the one who got a new job. Congrats! Now comes the question of how to dress on the first day of work.

    • Why College Students Should Work While in College?

      College is a special part of our lives. It’s a time when we prepare for our dream job while creating some of the most memorable moments in life. That said, college life can also be stressful. Not only do we have to spend long hours studying, writing and researching, but we also have to deal with increased tuition fees and living expenses.

    • 5 Ways to Measure Candidate Experience

      Your candidate experience is made up of 4 essential parts

    • How to Stall a Job Offer Politely

      You did it! After several weeks of looking for a new job and undergoing grueling interviews, you finally have a job offer. Although this may be very exciting, accepting a job offer means that you’re making a long-term commitment to your future employer. So, even if you’re eager to leave your current job, this isn’t a decision you should take lightly.