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health travel nurse jobs Company: Travel Nurses Inc in Reno, Norwood, Massachusetts


  • How do Good Interviewers Prepare for Interviews?

    Just like candidates take the time to research you and your company, you should take the time to prepare for the interview. Preparing for the interview doesn't just reflect well on your employer brand and create a better candidate experience. Preparation also helps prevent bad hiring decisions. Bad hiring decisions are usually a result of poor execution during the hiring process. However, going into an interview fully prepared and ready to evaluate candidates will help avoid bad hires. So, here are 6 interview preparation tips for employers.

  • How to Reject a Candidate Professionally

    When deciding on how to reject a candidate, your first question may be

  • How Does Salary Pay Work? (Compared to Hourly Pay)

    At the bottom of each job advertisement, companies label a role as salaried or hourly. Both methods will get you paid (yay), but each in very different ways. So, it's essential to figure out how does salary pay work? While employees paid by the hour are paid based on how long they work, employers pay salaried employees a fixed amount.

  • Internship Cover Letter Tips with Examples

    Until now, college has been about learning, absorbing, and experiencing. It’s not until you become eligible for an internship that things start getting real—real-world experiences using real-life scenarios. Applying for internships takes time, and there’s no college course on “how to apply for jobs.” (We’d sign up immediately if there was, though!) But here's a spoiler alert: most internships require a cover letter. And while this may seem like a burden, it’s actually a blessing. 

  • Tips to Get Your First Job Confidently

    Whether you’re a recent graduate or you still have a few exams left, you may be itching to put your polished leather shoes on and join the workforce. After all, your first job is an entryway into the professional life you’d lead for the decades to come.

  • 5 Ways to Measure Candidate Experience

    Your candidate experience is made up of 4 essential parts

  • How to Stall a Job Offer Politely

    You did it! After several weeks of looking for a new job and undergoing grueling interviews, you finally have a job offer. Although this may be very exciting, accepting a job offer means that you’re making a long-term commitment to your future employer. So, even if you’re eager to leave your current job, this isn’t a decision you should take lightly.