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  • Why is Professionalism Important & How to Be Professional

    You might have heard the word professionalism thrown around in the workplace, but do you know what it means? And do you know how to maintain professionalism no matter the circumstances? 

  • Why Cover Letters Are Important & How To Write One | Job\Searcher

    Most people completely waste their cover letter real estate. Your cover letter is another opportunity to speak directly about how your background and capabilities align with the opportunity you seek. It also allows you to introduce your personality a bit more than a resume does. So, why are cover letters important? Because you can stand out, big time, with a custom cover letter directed to the right person.

  • Hiring Again After Mass Layoffs

    It's never an easy decision to let members of your staff go, but depending on the state of your business, mass layoffs may have been the only way to survive. Now that you're months into the future, you may find yourself itching to start hiring again after previous layoffs.

  • How to Get a Union Job? A Step-by-Step Guide

    A union job can significantly impact your job security, pay, and employment benefits. Whether this is your first job or you have years of experience, a union job can offer much-needed protection in a labor market where employees are hired and fired at will. 

  • How to Decide Between Two Job Offers: 10 Practical Tips

    It’s arguably a good predicament to have. You’ve applied to many jobs, interviewed multiple times, and now find yourself with two legit job offers. Nice! But although this is a feel-good validation of everything you have to offer, a daunting choice lies ahead. How do you decide which job will be the best fit for you?

  • What is a Policy of Non-Retaliation & How to Create One

    Your company probably has many policies in place – anti-discrimination policies, equal opportunity policies, ethics policies, and so on. However, it is important to re-evaluate whether you have a policy that covers every situation. Say for instance one of your employees submit a complaint in good faith to their supervisor. To their surprise, they are met with retaliation, such as demotion, defamation, or even termination.

  • When to Tell Your Boss You're Job Searching

    The Bureau of Labor Statistics has found that individuals, on average, have 12.4 jobs throughout their working life. So regardless of where you are on the career ladder, it’s inevitable that at some point, you’ll begin looking for another job. That said, you might be wondering,