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travel nurse er rn beth israel jobs Title: available in Alexandria, LA


  • How to Write an Address Correctly: Explained with Examples

    It's hard to imagine a scenario where a text or phone call just won't do these days. With communication at our fingertips, you may think learning how to write an address is a superfluous skill. But it's a skill that will come in handy when you need to fill out healthcare forms, ship a package, order food delivery, or even apply for new jobs.

  • What is Employment Participation Rate

    According to economists, there are four factors of production that go into creating higher quality goods at lower prices. These are

  • How to Write a Job Description?

    It might be tempting to overlook the importance of a well-written job description. After all, if you’ve posted job ads before and ended up with tons of resumes in hand, it’s easy to assume that this will always be the case, regardless of how your job ad reads. But, in reality, you really can’t take getting an influx of resumes for granted. 

  • Job Rejection Email Response with Examples

    Glassdoor estimates that, on average, there are about 250 applicants for every job vacancy out there. If you’ve ever applied for a job, the odds are that you’ve received the dreaded job rejection email.

  • How to Avoid a Bad Hire

    "A new employee who doesn't meet the minimum performance, quality, and culture fit standards you set when you began sourcing and recruiting. Additionally, bad hires will immediately show signs of self-interest instead of an interest in their role and the company."

  • What Are SMART Goals?

    When it comes to achieving our goals, there’s a lot of noise to work through. A study by the University of Scranton has found that only 8% of people who set New Year’s resolutions actually achieve them. Our busy lives might be one reason for this. Another, even more important reason, is our approach to goal setting. Being too vague, too ambitious or simply unclear on the timeframe can set us up for failure.

  • How to Recruit Passive Candidates

    Learning to recruit passive candidates is a different ballgame than recruiting active ones. While an active candidate is someone who is currently looking for a new job, a passive candidate tends to be the opposite. Passive candidates are either already working or not looking to work. So, instead of these candidates coming to you, you'll have to find them and reach out to them first.