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    • The Quiet Quitting Phenomenon

      The term, quiet quitting, was coined in 2009, but only now is it gaining traction as young Millennials and Gen Z workers are experiencing record levels of burnout. With the pandemic and the state of the economy, young employees are feeling the pressure. So, quiet quitting comes into effect when that pressure is exasperated by work stress and no managerial support.

    • What is Talent Mapping

      Every planner and recruiter knows that each strategic process requires a pre-strategic process. This is usually just the pre-planning phase of your master plan. Because hiring and recruiting involves many aspects of business (budgets, time, employees, planning, etc.), it is important to ask yourself a few questions to evaluate what resources you have to fulfill your hiring needs. These questions include:

    • How to Take Your Careers Page to the Next Level

      Your careers page deserves a lot of attention. It is not just another page on your website. It is a vital tool that could enhance your recruitment outcomes. But in order to do that, you have to make sure it's fully optimized.

    • Internal Recruiting: Benefits and 5 Internal Recruiting Methods to Consider

      Internal and external recruiting are nearly the same thing. The biggest difference is where candidates are sourced. There are instances where external recruiting may be the best option. However, when you are presented with the opportunity to recruit internally, you should take full advantage of the different internal recruiting methods. Initially you will find that the hiring process gets a little bit easier. Then you'll notice all the other benefits that internal recruiting offers.

    • What Makes a Company a Great Place to Work

      After one too many after-hours emails, you’re on the hunt for a new gig. But what makes a company a great place to work? And how will you know when you find one? Finding a motivating, safe, and productive work environment is important for our mental and physical health. If you’re financially frustrated, creatively stuck, or just plain over it, it’s time to find a healthier workplace where you can flourish.  

    • What is Employment Participation Rate

      According to economists, there are four factors of production that go into creating higher quality goods at lower prices. These are

    • How to Get Pay Stubs (From Previous Employee Also!)

      Pay stubs are an important piece of document which shows your earnings in a given period, as well as any deductions made towards your health insurance or pension contributions. They’re also excellent for finding out how much your recent salary raise has bumped up your monthly net income.