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  • Building a Candidate Pipeline Through Internships

    Building a candidate pipeline through a great internship program for local college students and recent graduates at local universities is a great and cost-effective way to attract and retain top talent. By offering meaningful and impactful work experiences, regular feedback, coaching, and mentorship, you can create a positive internship experience that will make your organization a sought-after destination for future employees. This not only benefits the organization in the short-term but also in the long-term, as you'll have a pool of well-trained and experienced candidates who may be interested in full-time employment once they graduate. Furthermore, building relationships with local universities and college students can increase brand awareness and build a positive reputation for your organization in the local community.

  • Hiring Transparency

    Transparency in hiring refers to the open and honest communication and information sharing that takes place between employers and job candidates. It encompasses all aspects of the hiring process, from posting job descriptions to providing feedback on performance during and after the interview process. In today's job market, hiring transparency has become increasingly important for both employers and candidates alike.

  • Why is Time Management Important? 10 Crucial Importances of Time Management

    We’ve all been there before. What starts as a relaxing evening scroll quickly becomes a full-blown binge. You blink, and it’s midnight - throwing off your entire next day before it even starts. And at its worst, this indulgence might leave you feeling behind on things you planned to finish that night. This is why time management is important. 

  • How to Avoid a Bad Hire

    "A new employee who doesn't meet the minimum performance, quality, and culture fit standards you set when you began sourcing and recruiting. Additionally, bad hires will immediately show signs of self-interest instead of an interest in their role and the company."

  • What Are SMART Goals?

    When it comes to achieving our goals, there’s a lot of noise to work through. A study by the University of Scranton has found that only 8% of people who set New Year’s resolutions actually achieve them. Our busy lives might be one reason for this. Another, even more important reason, is our approach to goal setting. Being too vague, too ambitious or simply unclear on the timeframe can set us up for failure.

  • Technology in the Workplace: How to Improve your HR Function with AI

    It’s safe to say that the last two years have brought fundamental changes to the way we work and do business. Companies have relied on technology in the workplace to digitize their services and build a remote-friendly infrastructure that could prepare them for the future.

  • 4 Things to Consider When Building a Global Workforce

    The rise of remote work has given employers a unique chance to rethink how they approach workforce management. This ranges from rethinking the size and design of their office space to updating their tech stack to accommodate different working styles. It has created new opportunities for companies of all sizes to expand their hiring pool and look for top talent on a global scale.