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    flexible schedule jobs Title: attendant in Georgia


    • Into the Heart of the Ukrainian-Russian Conflict

      The story of our US-Ukraine connection started when Kevin met Dave. Days away from quitting his last "real" job as a seafood plant manager, Kevin reconnected with a long-lost friend from high school. Little did he know, this long-lost friend was dating his soon-to-be business partner. After meeting Dave through their mutual connection, it didn't take long for the two to start bouncing business ideas off each other. The flow of creativity soon grew into a business partnership that has withstood the test of time.

    • Why Are Internships Important & How Can You Get One?

      Internships are for college students or people who have just completed their degree. If you are a student or recent grad, you may be wondering how to land an internship. If you've never had one, you may even wonder if you need one. After all, didn’t you work in that call center while also doing exams? Or perhaps you’ve bartended your first year in college?

    • Why is Networking Important & How to Network Effectively

      Even if you’ve worked hard to earn a degree from an impressive school, landing your dream job might still come down to who you know – otherwise known as networking. Lots of qualified candidates might apply for a job, but the person who gets it might very well be so-and-so’s sibling, friend, or kid. Sometimes the only way to get your foot in the door is to know someone.

    • Why Do Recruiters Ghost and What Can You Do About It?

      Once you’ve finally mustered up the courage to find another job, leaning into the job hunt can feel scary and overwhelming. So, it does nothing to help your confidence when your outbox is full of unanswered follow-ups and interview requests. You thought that ghosting only happens on dating apps—so why do recruiters ghost, too? Recruiter ghosting is not an effective recruiting strategy, but sometimes it’s inevitable. How can you overcome such an unfortunate new career trend? Read on.

    • How to Fire an Employee

      So… you've finally decided to let one of your employees go. Drafting the paperwork and corresponding with HR is the easy part, but knowing how to fire an employee is where things get complicated. In fact, it is one of the most challenging conversations to have in the workplace. However, it must be done, and it must be done with poise and tact. Not only should you keep your state law in mind, but you should also consider your former employee's wellbeing.

    • How to Reject a Candidate Professionally

      When deciding on how to reject a candidate, your first question may be

    • How Does Salary Pay Work? (Compared to Hourly Pay)

      At the bottom of each job advertisement, companies label a role as salaried or hourly. Both methods will get you paid (yay), but each in very different ways. So, it's essential to figure out how does salary pay work? While employees paid by the hour are paid based on how long they work, employers pay salaried employees a fixed amount.