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    • Why Do Recruiters Ghost and What Can You Do About It?

      Once you’ve finally mustered up the courage to find another job, leaning into the job hunt can feel scary and overwhelming. So, it does nothing to help your confidence when your outbox is full of unanswered follow-ups and interview requests. You thought that ghosting only happens on dating apps—so why do recruiters ghost, too? Recruiter ghosting is not an effective recruiting strategy, but sometimes it’s inevitable. How can you overcome such an unfortunate new career trend? Read on.

    • Internal Hiring Best Practices

      Each companies hiring strategy is based on a set of rules that defines the ideal candidate. Many companies utilize internal and external hiring to ensure they have skilled, experienced workers. If you work in recruiting, maximizing your internal hiring strategies could be the key to retaining employees and simplifying your hiring process.

    • Why Leadership Is So Important in Your Career

      There are plenty of baseball players worldwide, but only a select few will master the sport enough to play in the World Series. Similarly, you’ll meet hundreds of “managers” throughout your professional career. Still, only a few will cement themselves as true leaders in your mind. This is why leadership is important—the most influential leaders leave a mark. They inspire. 

    • 5 Ways to Stretch Your Hiring Budget

      Many businesses across the country have adjusted business operations to make it through the pandemic. After a period of hardship, many business owners, like yourself, are ready to start recruiting and rebuilding a bigger, more skilled workforce - only now you have to do it with a smaller hiring budget. 

    • How to Ask for a Raise at Work

      Here we go again; it’s time to talk money. Whether you’re one year in at a new company or approaching year five on the same team, learning how to ask for a raise should be part of your long-term career plan. These conversations are rarely fun (thanks to society, which has conditioned us to believe that money is taboo), but they are necessary if you want to, well, get paid what you’re worth. Trust us, there’s a lot of money on the table for taking. Below, we’ll discuss tips on timing, approach, and follow-up.

    • How to Maximize Action Verbs in Your Resume

      Writing a resume that stands out takes more than using keywords and savvy formatting. It’s not just about having an impressive list of accomplishments. It’s also about how you position them using action verbs and deliberate word choice. So if you are looking for a way to craft a resume that stands out and gets calls back? Start by sprucing up your resume with captivating action verbs.

    • What is Your Desired Job Title?

      You’ve decided to look for a new job. So now comes the question — what is your desired job title? There are lots of considerations to think through when deciding on the right title for your next role.