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construction management associate director jobs Title: management associate Company: Slalom Consulting


  • 10 Importancies of Setting Realistic Goals

    We’ve all heard how important it is to set professional and personal goals. Developing and establishing goals keeps us motivated and moving forward in life. But not all goals are created equal. If you’re chasing goals that are too lofty, you’ll end up disappointed when you cannot reach them. Setting goals that are achievable and measurable is the key to success.

  • 7 Importances of Organizational Culture and How to Build It

    The world of work has drastically changed in the past few years. Where a good salary and a nice office might have been enough to attract talent in the past, employees today expect flexibility, growth opportunities, and a healthy work environment. In fact, 77% of applicants say they’d consider a company’s culture before applying for a job. 

  • 4 Talent Acquisition Trends Going Into 2023

    For better or worse, a side effect of the COVID-19 pandemic was a marked shift in talent acquisition practices worldwide. With the struggle to retain talent that began in 2020, companies have had to rethink recruitment strategies. The result has been new talent acquisition trends that are well on their way to becoming commonplace. These are the practices that are going to become even more widespread going into 2023.

  • How to Dress on the First Day of Work (Men & Women)

    You did it! Out of hundreds of applicants and dozens of people interviewed, you’re the one who got a new job. Congrats! Now comes the question of how to dress on the first day of work.

  • Why College Students Should Work While in College?

    College is a special part of our lives. It’s a time when we prepare for our dream job while creating some of the most memorable moments in life. That said, college life can also be stressful. Not only do we have to spend long hours studying, writing and researching, but we also have to deal with increased tuition fees and living expenses.

  • 5 Ways to Measure Candidate Experience

    Your candidate experience is made up of 4 essential parts

  • How to Stall a Job Offer Politely

    You did it! After several weeks of looking for a new job and undergoing grueling interviews, you finally have a job offer. Although this may be very exciting, accepting a job offer means that you’re making a long-term commitment to your future employer. So, even if you’re eager to leave your current job, this isn’t a decision you should take lightly.