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  • Hiring College Graduates for 2023 | What Employers Need to Know

    Recruitment professionals are eagerly gearing up for graduation season, a time when companies can hire some of the top college graduates who will be heading into new careers. Employers must act fast if they want to reel in the freshest talent. With current labor shortages in a holding pattern so far this year, it’s beneficial for organizations to understand what 2023 college graduates want. That way, recruitment efforts can be fruitful. 

  • Beyond Ridiculous: Job Searchers Reveal the Worst Interview Questions They've Faced

    No one is actually thrilled about the prospect of interviewing candidates. No one. However, interviewing candidates is meant to provide valuable insight, making the hiring process more productive - that is, if you use strategic interviewing techniques and avoid getting caught up in the fad of using ridiculous interview questions to throw people off their game. 

  • How to Hire Remote Workers

    Remote work used to be a thing of the future. However, with social, economic, and cultural events taking place across the country, it has now evolved into something that both job searchers AND companies are benefiting from. Remote work is multifaceted and can come in handy in a variety of situations. So, to help your small business take advantage of all of remote work's benefits, here is a short guide on how to hire remote workers.

  • The Best Remote Jobs: Where & How to Find Them

    The Covid-19 pandemic hasn’t been easy on any of us, but if there’s one silver lining, it’s the fact that remote work has grown in popularity because of it. Companies that previously weren’t open to their employees working remotely were suddenly forced into allowing it. Since then, they've realized that much of their workforce is happier and more productive. Naturally, this has led to more remote job openings, which is great if you’re interested in this type of position. Read on to learn more about the best remote jobs and where to find them. 

  • How to Write a Short Bio

    First impressions can be tricky. When meeting someone in person, it’s likely you have an elevator speech. These short, practiced introductions can help you share more about who you are, what you do for work and other facts about you. While this works well in a live, in-person context, there are many cases where professionals “meet” someone via written form - like social media, a resume, or published work. In these cases, your bio works as your first impression. So, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to write a short bio. 

  • How to Successfully Make a Career Change in the New Year

    The beginning of a new year is often a time for reflection and introspection. Millions of people use this time to come up with new resolutions to help them live happier and healthier lives. Pursuing our career ambitions is among the top five, right up there with exercising more and eating better.