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  • 10 Best Tips to Find a Job When Relocating

    Are you planning to move? That’s great news, but now you might wonder what that means for your job. Some people are lucky – they can relocate and keep working the same position as always, just remotely. For others, however, this isn’t an option. They must search for and land a job in their soon-to-be new city. This can be intimidating, given that getting a new job even under normal circumstances can be challenging. Now you’ll have to overcome additional hurdles. This article provides valuable tips on how to find a job in another state. Because it can be done! Read on to learn how.

  • Looking for New Candidates?

    Before the turn of the century, recruiters could put their "help wanted" ads in the newspaper, and applications would pour in. Since then, recruiting has turned a new page. The use of the internet and other technologies allows recruiters to broaden their candidate pool for the simple reason being

  • What Makes a Company a Great Place to Work

    After one too many after-hours emails, you’re on the hunt for a new gig. But what makes a company a great place to work? And how will you know when you find one? Finding a motivating, safe, and productive work environment is important for our mental and physical health. If you’re financially frustrated, creatively stuck, or just plain over it, it’s time to find a healthier workplace where you can flourish.  

  • What Makes a Good Boss? The Top 12 Qualities & Attributes

    Think back to the best boss you’ve ever had—does someone come to mind? We hope so! Okay, now think back to the worst boss you’ve ever had. I’m sure you can conjure up a few faces. 

  • 5 Common Interview Mistakes

    Everyone's interview process is unique in some form or fashion. Like most, your interview process is crafted so you can get the most information out of your candidates to increase hiring confidence and make the right hiring decisions. However, there are often small problems in interview processes that could ultimately affect the success of hiring decisions.

  • Job Rejection Email Response with Examples

    Glassdoor estimates that, on average, there are about 250 applicants for every job vacancy out there. If you’ve ever applied for a job, the odds are that you’ve received the dreaded job rejection email.