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  • How to Ask for a Higher Starting Salary 

    Maybe you think you’ve finally found your dream job. Everything about it is perfect, except… the salary. Unfortunately, it just isn’t where you want it to be. So, should you give up and move on? Given all the effort you’ve already invested, it’s probably wise to try and negotiate a better salary before you do. 

  • 10 Practical and Effective Strategies to Persuade Anyone of Anything

    Learning how to persuade people is like a key that can unlock any door. Acing the interview for the job of your dreams. Getting the best deal on a new car. Closing a sale with a skeptical customer. All of these wins require a level of persuasiveness.

  • The Importance of GPA When Finding a Job

    As a career coach, I’m often asked,

  • Growing Discontent: Employees Wouldn't Wish Their Jobs on Their Worst Enemy

    The start of a new year, and most people are already busy setting personal and professional goals. What’s on the top of the list for a growing number of working people is making an exit from the job they currently have. Why?

  • How to Gracefully Quit a Job You Just Started

    You’ve just started learning the ropes at your new job, and you've gotten to know your colleagues. But you’re already thinking about quitting. Maybe you were deciding between to job offers and realized that you’ve made the wrong choice. Or, a change in your personal circumstances means that you have to quit.

  • Minimizing Candidate Renegs During the Hiring and Onboarding Process 

    Candidates reneging on job offers or during the onboarding process can be a frustrating experience for any recruiter. In a talent-driven job market, it’s common for candidates to have more than one job offer to consider. It becomes a race against time to see which organization can offer the best career experience, compensation, and circumstances that secure the right employees.