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  • 5 Common Interview Mistakes

    Everyone's interview process is unique in some form or fashion. Like most, your interview process is crafted so you can get the most information out of your candidates to increase hiring confidence and make the right hiring decisions. However, there are often small problems in interview processes that could ultimately affect the success of hiring decisions.

  • Job Rejection Email Response with Examples

    Glassdoor estimates that, on average, there are about 250 applicants for every job vacancy out there. If you’ve ever applied for a job, the odds are that you’ve received the dreaded job rejection email.

  • How to Address a Cover Letter With Examples

    It’s easy to get caught up in focusing on your resume – how it looks, what it says, and whether it’s going to land you a job interview. Because there is a big focus on building the perfect resume, job searchers often overlook the importance of a high-quality cover letter. Your cover letter plays a huge role in your first impression. It humanizes you and provides context for your resume.

  • How to Call Out of Work

    No matter how happy we are with our jobs, there are days when we feel overwhelmed and want to call out of work. No, don't feel guilty. It's expected because we're humans, and we can't control the uncertainties of life. But the problem lies in how to call out of work without seeming uncommitted to work, especially if you seldom get work-free days. 

  • Program Manager Resume Templates, Samples, and Tips

    A program manager is a professional who coordinates initiatives across a company or department. Because these roles are cross-functional, they tend to oversee and collaborate with numerous stakeholders and employees with different backgrounds. With so much variety in program management positions, along with the diverse group of people program managers are constantly working with, crafting a program manager resume can require careful planning and consideration.

  • Finally! Answers to 9 Job Search Questions You've Been Wondering About

    There’s no college course on how to job search effectively. If schools offered “Job Searching: 101,” we wouldn’t have to write this article. Unfortunately, there’s nothing straightforward about a job hunt, and researching the best job searching methods is basically limited to sourcing peer advice and internet articles. Don’t worry; we’ve got your back. Here are definitive answers to the most common questions you’ve been dying to ask.