Search for Your Next Job or Career


  • Brand Reputation 101

    People's initial perception of your organization is also known as your brand reputation. Your brand rep either encourages or discourages people from engaging with your company. This means the way people view your company will affect sales and even recruiting efforts.

  • Recruiting in a Tight Market

    As a recruiter or employer, you know how much the economy affects your recruitment and retention efforts. You aren't just in competition with companies in your industry, but you are also fighting against inflation, recession, unemployment rates, and so much more.

  • How do Good Interviewers Prepare for Interviews?

    Just like candidates take the time to research you and your company, you should take the time to prepare for the interview. Preparing for the interview doesn't just reflect well on your employer brand and create a better candidate experience. Preparation also helps prevent bad hiring decisions. Bad hiring decisions are usually a result of poor execution during the hiring process. However, going into an interview fully prepared and ready to evaluate candidates will help avoid bad hires. So, here are 6 interview preparation tips for employers.

  • Should I Hire for Potential Over Experience?

    The workforce is shifting every day. In fact, research from the World Economic Forum (WEF) shows over half of employees around the world will need to upskill or reskill by 2025. The rapid rise of digital literacy, automation, and new technologies will quickly supersede businesses that don't train ahead of the curve. With the dire need to invest in training, it's evident that hiring someone with experience isn't that much different than hiring someone without it.

  • How to Ask Someone to be a Reference + Email Templates

    One part of the job-hunting process that frequently gets overlooked is putting together a list of good references. Most of the time we focus on creating the perfect resume, writing an awesome cover letter, and getting our hands on letters of recommendation. We think about what outfit we’ll wear to the job interview, how we’ll answer those tricky questions, and what our career plan looks like. But, in fact, having multiple references lined up who will speak favorably about you to a potential employer is critical to landing a job. This aspect of job searching really can’t be ignored. 

  • Job Rejection Email Response with Examples

    Glassdoor estimates that, on average, there are about 250 applicants for every job vacancy out there. If you’ve ever applied for a job, the odds are that you’ve received the dreaded job rejection email.