• Beyond Ridiculous: Job Searchers Reveal the Worst Interview Questions They've Faced

    No one is actually thrilled about the prospect of interviewing candidates. No one. However, interviewing candidates is meant to provide valuable insight, making the hiring process more productive - that is, if you use strategic interviewing techniques and avoid getting caught up in the fad of using ridiculous interview questions to throw people off their game. 

  • Is There a Slow Decline of the Labor Market and Wage Growth?

    BLS data from January 2023 to March 2023 states that,

  • Building a Candidate Pipeline Through Internships

    Building a candidate pipeline through a great internship program for local college students and recent graduates at local universities is a great and cost-effective way to attract and retain top talent. By offering meaningful and impactful work experiences, regular feedback, coaching, and mentorship, you can create a positive internship experience that will make your organization a sought-after destination for future employees. This not only benefits the organization in the short-term but also in the long-term, as you'll have a pool of well-trained and experienced candidates who may be interested in full-time employment once they graduate. Furthermore, building relationships with local universities and college students can increase brand awareness and build a positive reputation for your organization in the local community.

  • 5 Ways to Stretch Your Hiring Budget

    Many businesses across the country have adjusted business operations to make it through the pandemic. After a period of hardship, many business owners, like yourself, are ready to start recruiting and rebuilding a bigger, more skilled workforce - only now you have to do it with a smaller hiring budget. 

  • How to Ask for a Raise at Work

    Here we go again; it’s time to talk money. Whether you’re one year in at a new company or approaching year five on the same team, learning how to ask for a raise should be part of your long-term career plan. These conversations are rarely fun (thanks to society, which has conditioned us to believe that money is taboo), but they are necessary if you want to, well, get paid what you’re worth. Trust us, there’s a lot of money on the table for taking. Below, we’ll discuss tips on timing, approach, and follow-up.

  • How to Maximize Action Verbs in Your Resume

    Writing a resume that stands out takes more than using keywords and savvy formatting. It’s not just about having an impressive list of accomplishments. It’s also about how you position them using action verbs and deliberate word choice. So if you are looking for a way to craft a resume that stands out and gets calls back? Start by sprucing up your resume with captivating action verbs.