• Talent Mapping for the Rest of the Year

    As you enter the next quarter of 2023, it's important to reflect on how well your talent strategy is aligning with your business goals. This is an opportune time to design or reassess your talent mapping approach, so your recruiting and hiring scheme going forward stays in line with this year's business goals.

  • The Effects of Workplace Racism and Sexism

    One day it's a covert statement to a mother returning to work after maternity leave. Another day it's a lingering gaze at an employee enjoying a culturally rich meal. These microaggressions (or sometimes macroaggressions) can take an employee from a confident, high-performer to one that feels insecure being themselves at work. Your employees engage with people with different ideas and feel most comfortable and valued when they can work without losing their cultural, racial, and gender identity. While most employers know this, why have workplace racism and sexism often been neglected?

  • 10 Reasons to Be on Time at Work

    Being punctual at work may not be something you’ve given much thought to, but it’s the foundation for building a successful career. All of your technical or job-specific skills will be in vain if your peers and superiors can’t trust you to show up on time and do the work. In fact, Simon Sinek once famously said that

  • Recruiting in a Recession: Hard Truths That Talent Acquisition Experts Must Accept

    The summer had economists from around the globe embroiled in a debate about a possible recession coming in the next few years (or months). As of October 2022, the U.S. Labor Department data put the current inflation rate at 7.7%. The recent layoffs in the tech industry are just the first of what is soon to be a string of cutbacks by companies looking to save costs. For recruiters, this means freezes in hiring and fewer openings. It will also include the uphill task of finding the best candidates for them from the coming influx of recently laid-off job seekers. Now is probably a good time to brace for tough times in the next few years in the talent acquisition industry. To survive and thrive recruiting in a recession, here are some hard truths you will need to accept.

  • Email Etiquette Principles - Why is it Important 

    Why is email etiquette important? Let's imagine you're hiring for a new role, and you’ve just received the email below.

  • 10 Reasons HR is Important to an Organization

    "Nothing we do is more important than hiring and developing people."