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  • How to Dress on the First Day of Work (Men & Women)

    You did it! Out of hundreds of applicants and dozens of people interviewed, you’re the one who got a new job. Congrats! Now comes the question of how to dress on the first day of work.

  • 5 Ways to Measure Candidate Experience

    Your candidate experience is made up of 4 essential parts

  • What is Talent Mapping

    Every planner and recruiter knows that each strategic process requires a pre-strategic process. This is usually just the pre-planning phase of your master plan. Because hiring and recruiting involves many aspects of business (budgets, time, employees, planning, etc.), it is important to ask yourself a few questions to evaluate what resources you have to fulfill your hiring needs. These questions include:

  • Do Your Candidates Really Need a College Degree?

    As a hiring manager tasked with making major decisions, it's easy to target a college degree as a way of saying yes, this candidate is qualified. I mean, how many times have we seen candidates without degrees try to squeeze their way into positions that they aren't qualified for. In fact, many hiring managers (maybe like yourself) believe that college degrees make candidates more job-ready. However, the current job market has shifted so much recently that it begs the question

  • Hiring Taking Too Long?

    We all know one of the biggest downfalls of a successful recruiting and hiring process is the amount of time it takes to hire someone. The time it takes to hire is sometimes completely out of line with applicant's expectations, creating a huge gap between candidates and businesses. Meanwhile, most recruiters and hiring managers don't even notice that they're taking too long. They have been fighting the symptoms of a too-long-hiring process without addressing the problem at the root. Here, we will expose some of those symptoms and offer solutions to help shorten your hiring process.

  • 5 Common Interview Mistakes

    Everyone's interview process is unique in some form or fashion. Like most, your interview process is crafted so you can get the most information out of your candidates to increase hiring confidence and make the right hiring decisions. However, there are often small problems in interview processes that could ultimately affect the success of hiring decisions.