• Resume Job Description Samples - 8 Tips to Follow

    When looking for a job, your resume becomes a crucial element. From making a great first impression to showcasing all your achievements and potential, your resume has to portray your professional story in minutes.

  • How to Decline a Job Offer You Already Accepted

    When you think about it, turning down a job offer is not the worst position you could be in. If you’ve been lucky enough to consider multiple job offers, well, then you’re lucky enough. 

  • 6 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Employer Branding

    Currently, job searchers are putting extra effort into researching employers. The information they find plays a major role in whether they will pursue an opportunity with you or look for jobs elsewhere. That is why it is now more important than ever to be proactive and intentional when showcasing your workforce and workplace culture. Having a well crafted employer branding strategy can help you strategize and influence your potential candidates so they see your business in the best light. But in order to do that, you should be aware of some of the most common mistakes that employers make.

  • What to Say When Terminating an Employee

    Terminating an employee is an inevitable part of doing business. Whether you’re re-structuring your department or you’ve identified a few employees who’re not living up to your expectations, letting people go is necessary for keeping your workforce healthy and thriving. 

  • How to Utilize Keywords for Your Job Ads

    Before we give you the scoop on how to utilize keywords in job ads, it would be helpful if we defined what keywords are and why they are important. In simple terms,

  • How to Get Pay Stubs (From Previous Employee Also!)

    Pay stubs are an important piece of document which shows your earnings in a given period, as well as any deductions made towards your health insurance or pension contributions. They’re also excellent for finding out how much your recent salary raise has bumped up your monthly net income.