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  • Recruitment strategies that are weird, but actually work 

    In the current candidate-driven job market, recruiters are looking for unique ways to attract talent. Some have resorted to even (dare we say it?) recruitment strategies on the border of weird and wacky. What can we learn from the unusual recruitment tactics that are being used and actually getting results? Here’s a rundown of some unique recruitment strategies that actually work. 

  • How To Make $100K a Year – No BS Strategies & Advice

    If you’re like most of us, you’d love to be wealthier. Having more money would alleviate stress. It would make it easier to pay your bills and buy nicer things. Maybe it’d allow you to spend more time with your kids and go on more vacations. You’re not alone if you wish you could somehow earn a more significant income.

  • What is Career Cushioning?

    Is your organization prepared for “career cushioning”? 

  • How to Gracefully Quit a Job You Just Started

    You’ve just started learning the ropes at your new job, and you've gotten to know your colleagues. But you’re already thinking about quitting. Maybe you were deciding between to job offers and realized that you’ve made the wrong choice. Or, a change in your personal circumstances means that you have to quit.

  • How to Build a Candidate Persona

    A candidate persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal candidate. Building a candidate persona is one of the best methods employers use to ensure their sourcing, recruiting, and hiring processes are focused. Knowing exactly what you're looking for streamlines everything and helps increase hiring confidence. So here's how to create a candidate persona and how to use it.

  • How to Get Into The Trades: Step-by-Step Guide

    Getting a trade job can be a great career move if you like variety and prefer to learn on the job instead of in an academic setting. A trade job can offer security and be a lucrative career path as the demand for skilled trade workers continues to grow.