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  • Virtual Reality Job Interviews

    With the advent of desktop computers, the arduous task of scouring through weekly job classifieds became a thing of the past. The mid-1990s brought about a new era where job seekers could easily search and apply for jobs online. The introduction of AOL's Instant Messaging feature provided an even faster means for employers and candidates to communicate and schedule interviews. As smartphones became more pervasive in the early 2000s, hiring managers increasingly used phone calls for screening and interviewing candidates. Despite this trend, over 80% of interviews still took place in person.

  • The Effects of Workplace Racism and Sexism

    One day it's a covert statement to a mother returning to work after maternity leave. Another day it's a lingering gaze at an employee enjoying a culturally rich meal. These microaggressions (or sometimes macroaggressions) can take an employee from a confident, high-performer to one that feels insecure being themselves at work. Your employees engage with people with different ideas and feel most comfortable and valued when they can work without losing their cultural, racial, and gender identity. While most employers know this, why have workplace racism and sexism often been neglected?

  • Hiring Transparency

    Transparency in hiring refers to the open and honest communication and information sharing that takes place between employers and job candidates. It encompasses all aspects of the hiring process, from posting job descriptions to providing feedback on performance during and after the interview process. In today's job market, hiring transparency has become increasingly important for both employers and candidates alike.

  • Recruitment strategies that are weird, but actually work 

    In the current candidate-driven job market, recruiters are looking for unique ways to attract talent. Some have resorted to even (dare we say it?) recruitment strategies on the border of weird and wacky. What can we learn from the unusual recruitment tactics that are being used and actually getting results? Here’s a rundown of some unique recruitment strategies that actually work. 

  • Into the Heart of the Ukrainian-Russian Conflict

    The story of our US-Ukraine connection started when Kevin met Dave. Days away from quitting his last "real" job as a seafood plant manager, Kevin reconnected with a long-lost friend from high school. Little did he know, this long-lost friend was dating his soon-to-be business partner. After meeting Dave through their mutual connection, it didn't take long for the two to start bouncing business ideas off each other. The flow of creativity soon grew into a business partnership that has withstood the test of time.

  • Why is Networking Important & How to Network Effectively

    Even if you’ve worked hard to earn a degree from an impressive school, landing your dream job might still come down to who you know – otherwise known as networking. Lots of qualified candidates might apply for a job, but the person who gets it might very well be so-and-so’s sibling, friend, or kid. Sometimes the only way to get your foot in the door is to know someone.