• Why Do Recruiters Ghost and What Can You Do About It?

    Once you’ve finally mustered up the courage to find another job, leaning into the job hunt can feel scary and overwhelming. So, it does nothing to help your confidence when your outbox is full of unanswered follow-ups and interview requests. You thought that ghosting only happens on dating apps—so why do recruiters ghost, too? Recruiter ghosting is not an effective recruiting strategy, but sometimes it’s inevitable. How can you overcome such an unfortunate new career trend? Read on.

  • Internal Hiring Best Practices

    Each companies hiring strategy is based on a set of rules that defines the ideal candidate. Many companies utilize internal and external hiring to ensure they have skilled, experienced workers. If you work in recruiting, maximizing your internal hiring strategies could be the key to retaining employees and simplifying your hiring process.

  • 10 Best Tips to Find a Job When Relocating

    Are you planning to move? That’s great news, but now you might wonder what that means for your job. Some people are lucky – they can relocate and keep working the same position as always, just remotely. For others, however, this isn’t an option. They must search for and land a job in their soon-to-be new city. This can be intimidating, given that getting a new job even under normal circumstances can be challenging. Now you’ll have to overcome additional hurdles. This article provides valuable tips on how to find a job in another state. Because it can be done! Read on to learn how.

  • Tips for a Good Character Reference Letter with Examples

    Hiring managers love a resume laden with relevant skills and qualifications. Hard skills specific to the role, like SEO strategy or Java programming languages, are easy to qualify using achievements or facts and figures. But how exactly can they verify personality traits, work ethic, relationship management skills, or curious nature during an interview when they barely know you? 

  • Why College Students Should Work While in College?

    College is a special part of our lives. It’s a time when we prepare for our dream job while creating some of the most memorable moments in life. That said, college life can also be stressful. Not only do we have to spend long hours studying, writing and researching, but we also have to deal with increased tuition fees and living expenses.

  • What is a Policy of Non-Retaliation & How to Create One

    Your company probably has many policies in place – anti-discrimination policies, equal opportunity policies, ethics policies, and so on. However, it is important to re-evaluate whether you have a policy that covers every situation. Say for instance one of your employees submit a complaint in good faith to their supervisor. To their surprise, they are met with retaliation, such as demotion, defamation, or even termination.