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  • Brand Reputation 101

    People's initial perception of your organization is also known as your brand reputation. Your brand rep either encourages or discourages people from engaging with your company. This means the way people view your company will affect sales and even recruiting efforts.

  • Recruiting in a Tight Market

    As a recruiter or employer, you know how much the economy affects your recruitment and retention efforts. You aren't just in competition with companies in your industry, but you are also fighting against inflation, recession, unemployment rates, and so much more.

  • How to Call Out of Work

    No matter how happy we are with our jobs, there are days when we feel overwhelmed and want to call out of work. No, don't feel guilty. It's expected because we're humans, and we can't control the uncertainties of life. But the problem lies in how to call out of work without seeming uncommitted to work, especially if you seldom get work-free days. 

  • What is Seasonal Employment?

    Depending on where you are in your career, you might have first-hand experience with seasonal employment. Seasonal employment can be a great way to expand your skill set and earn extra cash while helping businesses meet seasonal increases in demand.

  • Program Manager Resume Templates, Samples, and Tips

    A program manager is a professional who coordinates initiatives across a company or department. Because these roles are cross-functional, they tend to oversee and collaborate with numerous stakeholders and employees with different backgrounds. With so much variety in program management positions, along with the diverse group of people program managers are constantly working with, crafting a program manager resume can require careful planning and consideration.

  • Paralegal Resume Templates, Examples, and Tips

    A paralegal job is a great stepping stone to a legal career. As an expert in legal research, paralegals must be organized, strong writers, and a team player with others who require the assistance of the paralegal’s work. Sometimes known as legal assistants, paralegals are a critical part of a legal team’s work. Paralegals work across law firms, corporations, nonprofits, and government agencies.