• The Roadmap to Get Into Consulting

    Consulting is a dynamic and challenging career field that offers many opportunities for people who enjoy problem-solving, strategy, and innovation. Believe it or not, consulting isn't necessarily a senior-level position. You can pursue a career in consulting as a recent graduate or a mid-career professional looking to switch careers. While pursuing a consulting career can be rewarding and fulfilling, it is challenging to break into because it is so competitive.

  • How to Be More Articulate and Speak More Clearly

    Have you ever had those moments when you're talking to someone and have no idea what they are saying? The best response you can muster up is a simple head nod or blind agreeance?

  • How to Write a Follow-Up Email for a Job Application?

    Most times, we have to do more than submit a "sugar-coated" resume to land our dream jobs. Going the extra mile to follow up on your job application can increase your chances of employment. Additionally, it may even help you get confirmation sooner on whether you are seriously being considered for the job or not.

  • How to Address a Cover Letter With Examples

    It’s easy to get caught up in focusing on your resume – how it looks, what it says, and whether it’s going to land you a job interview. Because there is a big focus on building the perfect resume, job searchers often overlook the importance of a high-quality cover letter. Your cover letter plays a huge role in your first impression. It humanizes you and provides context for your resume.

  • What is Seasonal Employment?

    Depending on where you are in your career, you might have first-hand experience with seasonal employment. Seasonal employment can be a great way to expand your skill set and earn extra cash while helping businesses meet seasonal increases in demand.

  • How to Ask for a Letter of Recommendation

    When the job board you subscribe to finally posts your dream job, you may feel like the stars have aligned. But part of securing a position that matches your career plan is ensuring you address all the application basics. You know, the resume, the cover letter, the portfolio. It seems like you've got this in the bag — until you realize they want a letter of recommendation, too!