• Hiring Transparency

    Transparency in hiring refers to the open and honest communication and information sharing that takes place between employers and job candidates. It encompasses all aspects of the hiring process, from posting job descriptions to providing feedback on performance during and after the interview process. In today's job market, hiring transparency has become increasingly important for both employers and candidates alike.

  • Recruitment strategies that are weird, but actually work 

    In the current candidate-driven job market, recruiters are looking for unique ways to attract talent. Some have resorted to even (dare we say it?) recruitment strategies on the border of weird and wacky. What can we learn from the unusual recruitment tactics that are being used and actually getting results? Here’s a rundown of some unique recruitment strategies that actually work. 

  • Brand Reputation 101

    People's initial perception of your organization is also known as your brand reputation. Your brand rep either encourages or discourages people from engaging with your company. This means the way people view your company will affect sales and even recruiting efforts.

  • How to Write a Statement of Interest the Best Way

    Your life's goal is to work for Company A. Their brand, their product, their reputation—it's safe to say you're a fan. The only problem is that their careers page never highlights the role that matches your skills and experience. It's a bummer for sure, but don't fret.

  • Why Work in Sales? 9 Reasons & Tips on Answering as an Interview Question!

    Working in sales can be demanding and challenging, but it can also be gratifying. Sales is an excellent career with a clear path full of excitement and potential for growth. So, if you're contemplating careers and have wondered "why work in sales?", keep reading to determine if sales is a suitable role for you.

  • How to Fire an Employee

    So… you've finally decided to let one of your employees go. Drafting the paperwork and corresponding with HR is the easy part, but knowing how to fire an employee is where things get complicated. In fact, it is one of the most challenging conversations to have in the workplace. However, it must be done, and it must be done with poise and tact. Not only should you keep your state law in mind, but you should also consider your former employee's wellbeing.