• Resume Job Description Samples - 8 Tips to Follow

    When looking for a job, your resume becomes a crucial element. From making a great first impression to showcasing all your achievements and potential, your resume has to portray your professional story in minutes.

  • 5 Practical Ways to Remove Bias from your Hiring Process

    Many employers think their hiring process is perfect. However, research shows that the hiring processes are generally impartial and unfair, especially if you are part of certain demographics. Women, people of color, people with disabilities, or even people in lower socioeconomic status are more likely to be subject to implicit bias. As diversity and employer branding become major aspects of business, it is important that employers take the lead to identify and remove bias from the hiring process. So, here are 5 practical ways to get you started.

  • How to Write an Address Correctly: Explained with Examples

    It's hard to imagine a scenario where a text or phone call just won't do these days. With communication at our fingertips, you may think learning how to write an address is a superfluous skill. But it's a skill that will come in handy when you need to fill out healthcare forms, ship a package, order food delivery, or even apply for new jobs.

  • 5 Common Interview Mistakes

    Everyone's interview process is unique in some form or fashion. Like most, your interview process is crafted so you can get the most information out of your candidates to increase hiring confidence and make the right hiring decisions. However, there are often small problems in interview processes that could ultimately affect the success of hiring decisions.

  • How to Get Pay Stubs (From Previous Employee Also!)

    Pay stubs are an important piece of document which shows your earnings in a given period, as well as any deductions made towards your health insurance or pension contributions. They’re also excellent for finding out how much your recent salary raise has bumped up your monthly net income. 

  • Job Rejection Email Response with Examples

    Glassdoor estimates that, on average, there are about 250 applicants for every job vacancy out there. If you’ve ever applied for a job, the odds are that you’ve received the dreaded job rejection email.