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  • 6 Best Ways to End a Cover Letter with Examples

    Including a cover letter with your resume is a great way to introduce yourself to the hiring manager, tell them why you’re the ideal fit for the role, and provide context about your personal situation. A strong cover letter will give you an advantage over other applicants. But it’s important that you structure it properly and write it powerfully so that it carries an impact. This article will discuss how to end a cover letter effectively so you catch the eye of a hiring manager and increase your odds of landing an interview. Read on to learn more.

  • How to Write a Follow-Up Email for a Job Application?

    Most times, we have to do more than submit a "sugar-coated" resume to land our dream jobs. Going the extra mile to follow up on your job application can increase your chances of employment. Additionally, it may even help you get confirmation sooner on whether you are seriously being considered for the job or not.

  • How to Avoid a Bad Hire

    "A new employee who doesn't meet the minimum performance, quality, and culture fit standards you set when you began sourcing and recruiting. Additionally, bad hires will immediately show signs of self-interest instead of an interest in their role and the company."

  • In-House vs Outsourcing Recruiting: Which is Better?

    When looking at in-house vs outsourcing recruiting, it is important to nail down the benefits for each and whether those benefits outweigh the risks that follow.

  • The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Stellar Sales Manager Resume

    Have you been working in sales for several years now and feel ready to move up the career ladder? Do you enjoy leading sales teams and developing strategies to drive company sales? Would you describe yourself as a strong communicator, negotiator, and closer? If so, then there’s a good chance that a sales manager position might be the ideal fit for you.

  • How to Write a Property Manager Resume

    Property management experts have a variety of responsibilities, such as ensuring the safety and durability of commercial and residential buildings. During recruitment for such a position, recruiters assess your skills first-hand. This begins with how well you organize and tailor your property management resume. In other words, they can't afford to bring you onboard if your resume does not impress them.