• How to Reject a Candidate Professionally

    When deciding on how to reject a candidate, your first question may be

  • How Does Salary Pay Work? (Compared to Hourly Pay)

    At the bottom of each job advertisement, companies label a role as salaried or hourly. Both methods will get you paid (yay), but each in very different ways. So, it's essential to figure out how does salary pay work? While employees paid by the hour are paid based on how long they work, employers pay salaried employees a fixed amount.

  • How Does Salary Range Work (With Examples)

    What are your salary expectations? Do you know? Establishing a salary that compensates you fairly and keeps you happy at work can feel like taking a shot in the dark. And employers sure don’t make learning budgets easy! 

  • Looking for New Candidates?

    Before the turn of the century, recruiters could put their "help wanted" ads in the newspaper, and applications would pour in. Since then, recruiting has turned a new page. The use of the internet and other technologies allows recruiters to broaden their candidate pool for the simple reason being

  • Decline a Job Offer Professionally: When to Rescind

    Your job search has finally paid off! After countless job applications, numerous emails, and several interviews, the hiring manager and other stakeholders have decided that you’re the right person for the job! All you have to do now is accept the offer and walk into the sunset, right?

  • Structured vs Unstructured Interviews

    The goal of an interview is to evaluate candidates based on their skills, personality, and knowledge. You want to choose the BEST candidate from your candidate pool, so the interview is something you can't mess up. As you begin planning your interview process, one of the major decisions you'll face is whether the interview should be a structured vs unstructured interview. So let's take a dive into the differences and sort out which circumstances warrant which interview process.