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  • 2023 Quarterly Review: What’s Happening in Recruitment?

    It’s that time again. It’s your quarterly review. Get excited because this is a great time to review some of the amazing accomplishments you and other pros like you have made in recruitment for 2023 thus far! Despite recruitment challenges, things are starting to balance out in the candidate market - partly because of the brilliant ideas and methods being used.

  • How To Decorate a Cubicle for Inspiration & Productivity

    You know the negative reputation cubicles have – dull, dreary, gray. How can you possibly be expected to sit in one every day and be your naturally productive, enthusiastic, and upbeat self? The answer lies in decorating your cubicle so it sparks creativity and feels welcoming. While this might seem impossible given the bland canvas you have to work with, take heart because it’s totally doable! 

  • 10 Importancies of Setting Realistic Goals

    We’ve all heard how important it is to set professional and personal goals. Developing and establishing goals keeps us motivated and moving forward in life. But not all goals are created equal. If you’re chasing goals that are too lofty, you’ll end up disappointed when you cannot reach them. Setting goals that are achievable and measurable is the key to success.

  • Email Etiquette Principles - Why is it Important 

    Why is email etiquette important? Let's imagine you're hiring for a new role, and you’ve just received the email below.

  • Internal Hiring Best Practices

    Each companies hiring strategy is based on a set of rules that defines the ideal candidate. Many companies utilize internal and external hiring to ensure they have skilled, experienced workers. If you work in recruiting, maximizing your internal hiring strategies could be the key to retaining employees and simplifying your hiring process.

  • Why Leadership Is So Important in Your Career

    There are plenty of baseball players worldwide, but only a select few will master the sport enough to play in the World Series. Similarly, you’ll meet hundreds of “managers” throughout your professional career. Still, only a few will cement themselves as true leaders in your mind. This is why leadership is important—the most influential leaders leave a mark. They inspire.