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  • Hiring Transparency

    Transparency in hiring refers to the open and honest communication and information sharing that takes place between employers and job candidates. It encompasses all aspects of the hiring process, from posting job descriptions to providing feedback on performance during and after the interview process. In today's job market, hiring transparency has become increasingly important for both employers and candidates alike.

  • Recruitment strategies that are weird, but actually work 

    In the current candidate-driven job market, recruiters are looking for unique ways to attract talent. Some have resorted to even (dare we say it?) recruitment strategies on the border of weird and wacky. What can we learn from the unusual recruitment tactics that are being used and actually getting results? Here’s a rundown of some unique recruitment strategies that actually work. 

  • 10 Reasons to Be on Time at Work

    Being punctual at work may not be something you’ve given much thought to, but it’s the foundation for building a successful career. All of your technical or job-specific skills will be in vain if your peers and superiors can’t trust you to show up on time and do the work. In fact, Simon Sinek once famously said that

  • 10 Importancies of Setting Realistic Goals

    We’ve all heard how important it is to set professional and personal goals. Developing and establishing goals keeps us motivated and moving forward in life. But not all goals are created equal. If you’re chasing goals that are too lofty, you’ll end up disappointed when you cannot reach them. Setting goals that are achievable and measurable is the key to success.

  • Why is Professionalism Important & How to Be Professional

    You might have heard the word professionalism thrown around in the workplace, but do you know what it means? And do you know how to maintain professionalism no matter the circumstances? 

  • Hiring Again After Mass Layoffs

    It's never an easy decision to let members of your staff go, but depending on the state of your business, mass layoffs may have been the only way to survive. Now that you're months into the future, you may find yourself itching to start hiring again after previous layoffs.