• Virtual Reality Job Interviews

    With the advent of desktop computers, the arduous task of scouring through weekly job classifieds became a thing of the past. The mid-1990s brought about a new era where job seekers could easily search and apply for jobs online. The introduction of AOL's Instant Messaging feature provided an even faster means for employers and candidates to communicate and schedule interviews. As smartphones became more pervasive in the early 2000s, hiring managers increasingly used phone calls for screening and interviewing candidates. Despite this trend, over 80% of interviews still took place in person.

  • A Potential TikTok Ban?!

    As you may already know, there has been a lot of talk lately about the possibility of a TikTok ban. While this has not yet come to fruition, it's important to consider the implications this could have for businesses and recruiters who rely on TikTok as a platform to market their brand, recruit new talent, and connect with their audience.

  • The Effects of Workplace Racism and Sexism

    One day it's a covert statement to a mother returning to work after maternity leave. Another day it's a lingering gaze at an employee enjoying a culturally rich meal. These microaggressions (or sometimes macroaggressions) can take an employee from a confident, high-performer to one that feels insecure being themselves at work. Your employees engage with people with different ideas and feel most comfortable and valued when they can work without losing their cultural, racial, and gender identity. While most employers know this, why have workplace racism and sexism often been neglected?

  • How to Professionally Reschedule a Job Interview Without Destroying Your Chances

    You’ve practiced answering common interview questions and refined your “greatest weakness.’ Nothing can stop you until BAM! The flu hits your household. Or you ran over a nail and popped a tire en route to the interview. When you need to pivot, there’s a good, better, and best way to reschedule a job interview. Here’s how to do it professionally, so you can nail the gig when the timing is right. 

  • Making Hybrid Work More Efficient

    Covid was a catalyst for change in the work environment. Keeping people safe and helathy was the initial goal for employers, but the unintended result was the considerable demand in remote work. Now, onsite work has been dramatically altered to remote work, which is now transforming into a combination of the two: hybrid work.