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Brand Reputation 101
People's initial perception of your organization is also known as your brand reputation. Your brand rep either encourages or discourages people from engaging with your company. This means the way people view your company will affect sales and even recruiting efforts.
Recruiting in a Tight Market
As a recruiter or employer, you know how much the economy affects your recruitment and retention efforts. You aren't just in competition with companies in your industry, but you are also fighting against inflation, recession, unemployment rates, and so much more.
What is Talent Mapping
Every planner and recruiter knows that each strategic process requires a pre-strategic process. This is usually just the pre-planning phase of your master plan. Because hiring and recruiting involves many aspects of business (budgets, time, employees, planning, etc.), it is important to ask yourself a few questions to evaluate what resources you have to fulfill your hiring needs. These questions include:
How to Take Your Careers Page to the Next Level
Your careers page deserves a lot of attention. It is not just another page on your website. It is a vital tool that could enhance your recruitment outcomes. But in order to do that, you have to make sure it's fully optimized.
How to Find a Job That Makes You Happy - 11 Concerning Facts
Do you ever feel like your life is like one of those rom-com movie scene openers? You know, the ones where the main character rolls out of bed, awakened by a casually upbeat theme song, sulks their way to the coffee pot, and then trudges toward their computer to begin yet another boring day at work?
How to Decline a Job Offer You Already Accepted
When you think about it, turning down a job offer is not the worst position you could be in. If you’ve been lucky enough to consider multiple job offers, well, then you’re lucky enough.