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  • Common Misconceptions HR Has About Independent Contractors

    The “gig economy," which refers to the large group of individuals who choose to work as independent agents, has been growing rapidly since the mid-2000s. Actually, it’s exploding. According to a 2023 Fiverr survey of 2,000 US workers, “73% said they will either start freelancing or continue freelancing in 2023”. Here are some more amazing statistics to note:

  • Hiring College Graduates for 2023 | What Employers Need to Know

    Recruitment professionals are eagerly gearing up for graduation season, a time when companies can hire some of the top college graduates who will be heading into new careers. Employers must act fast if they want to reel in the freshest talent. With current labor shortages in a holding pattern so far this year, it’s beneficial for organizations to understand what 2023 college graduates want. That way, recruitment efforts can be fruitful. 

  • How Far Back Should a Resume Go, Exactly?

    If you’re reading this article, then chances are you’re looking for a new job and want to whip your resume into shape. But lots of questions can arise as you begin to do that. After all, most of us aren’t career coaches or resume experts. Job hunters frequently ask one common question: how far back should a resume go? As in, should you list all of your work history – even if it stretches on for years – or should you be more selective?

  • Do Your Candidates Really Need a College Degree?

    As a hiring manager tasked with making major decisions, it's easy to target a college degree as a way of saying yes, this candidate is qualified. I mean, how many times have we seen candidates without degrees try to squeeze their way into positions that they aren't qualified for. In fact, many hiring managers (maybe like yourself) believe that college degrees make candidates more job-ready. However, the current job market has shifted so much recently that it begs the question

  • 5 Ways to Stretch Your Hiring Budget

    Many businesses across the country have adjusted business operations to make it through the pandemic. After a period of hardship, many business owners, like yourself, are ready to start recruiting and rebuilding a bigger, more skilled workforce - only now you have to do it with a smaller hiring budget. 

  • Technology in the Workplace: How to Improve your HR Function with AI

    It’s safe to say that the last two years have brought fundamental changes to the way we work and do business. Companies have relied on technology in the workplace to digitize their services and build a remote-friendly infrastructure that could prepare them for the future.