Search for Your Next Job or Career


  • Why Are Internships Important & How Can You Get One?

    Internships are for college students or people who have just completed their degree. If you are a student or recent grad, you may be wondering how to land an internship. If you've never had one, you may even wonder if you need one. After all, didn’t you work in that call center while also doing exams? Or perhaps you’ve bartended your first year in college?

  • Why is Networking Important & How to Network Effectively

    Even if you’ve worked hard to earn a degree from an impressive school, landing your dream job might still come down to who you know – otherwise known as networking. Lots of qualified candidates might apply for a job, but the person who gets it might very well be so-and-so’s sibling, friend, or kid. Sometimes the only way to get your foot in the door is to know someone.

  • Resume Job Description Samples - 8 Tips to Follow

    When looking for a job, your resume becomes a crucial element. From making a great first impression to showcasing all your achievements and potential, your resume has to portray your professional story in minutes.

  • Tips to Get Your First Job Confidently

    Whether you’re a recent graduate or you still have a few exams left, you may be itching to put your polished leather shoes on and join the workforce. After all, your first job is an entryway into the professional life you’d lead for the decades to come.

  • What is a Policy of Non-Retaliation & How to Create One

    Your company probably has many policies in place – anti-discrimination policies, equal opportunity policies, ethics policies, and so on. However, it is important to re-evaluate whether you have a policy that covers every situation. Say for instance one of your employees submit a complaint in good faith to their supervisor. To their surprise, they are met with retaliation, such as demotion, defamation, or even termination.

  • When to Tell Your Boss You're Job Searching

    The Bureau of Labor Statistics has found that individuals, on average, have 12.4 jobs throughout their working life. So regardless of where you are on the career ladder, it’s inevitable that at some point, you’ll begin looking for another job. That said, you might be wondering,