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  • Is There a Slow Decline of the Labor Market and Wage Growth?

    BLS data from January 2023 to March 2023 states that,

  • 2023 Quarterly Review: What’s Happening in Recruitment?

    It’s that time again. It’s your quarterly review. Get excited because this is a great time to review some of the amazing accomplishments you and other pros like you have made in recruitment for 2023 thus far! Despite recruitment challenges, things are starting to balance out in the candidate market - partly because of the brilliant ideas and methods being used.

  • How to Pass a Personality Test with Flying Colors

    Whether you’re applying for your first job or looking to move up the career ladder, personality tests aren’t usually the first thing we think about. But surprisingly, they can have a massive impact on how our future employers perceive us. In fact, a 2017 study by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) has found that 32% of U.S. employers use personality tests when hiring for senior management positions, and 28% use them for middle management positions. Personality tests are also used for hourly workers and contractors, though less frequently. 

  • The Effects of Workplace Racism and Sexism

    One day it's a covert statement to a mother returning to work after maternity leave. Another day it's a lingering gaze at an employee enjoying a culturally rich meal. These microaggressions (or sometimes macroaggressions) can take an employee from a confident, high-performer to one that feels insecure being themselves at work. Your employees engage with people with different ideas and feel most comfortable and valued when they can work without losing their cultural, racial, and gender identity. While most employers know this, why have workplace racism and sexism often been neglected?

  • Program Manager Resume Templates, Samples, and Tips

    A program manager is a professional who coordinates initiatives across a company or department. Because these roles are cross-functional, they tend to oversee and collaborate with numerous stakeholders and employees with different backgrounds. With so much variety in program management positions, along with the diverse group of people program managers are constantly working with, crafting a program manager resume can require careful planning and consideration.

  • Finally! Answers to 9 Job Search Questions You've Been Wondering About

    There’s no college course on how to job search effectively. If schools offered “Job Searching: 101,” we wouldn’t have to write this article. Unfortunately, there’s nothing straightforward about a job hunt, and researching the best job searching methods is basically limited to sourcing peer advice and internet articles. Don’t worry; we’ve got your back. Here are definitive answers to the most common questions you’ve been dying to ask.