Search for Your Next Job or Career


  • How do Employers Verify Education?

    At any stage in your professional journey, you may come across an employer or a recruiter who asks to verify your educational credentials. This shouldn’t come as a surprise as 30% of candidates admitted to lying on their resumes, yet 79% of them never get caught. In fact, 85% of employers in the US who conduct background checks find that candidates have lied on their resumes or job applications. 

  • How to Ask for a Higher Starting Salary 

    Maybe you think you’ve finally found your dream job. Everything about it is perfect, except… the salary. Unfortunately, it just isn’t where you want it to be. So, should you give up and move on? Given all the effort you’ve already invested, it’s probably wise to try and negotiate a better salary before you do. 

  • The Effects of Workplace Racism and Sexism

    One day it's a covert statement to a mother returning to work after maternity leave. Another day it's a lingering gaze at an employee enjoying a culturally rich meal. These microaggressions (or sometimes macroaggressions) can take an employee from a confident, high-performer to one that feels insecure being themselves at work. Your employees engage with people with different ideas and feel most comfortable and valued when they can work without losing their cultural, racial, and gender identity. While most employers know this, why have workplace racism and sexism often been neglected?

  • Hiring Transparency

    Transparency in hiring refers to the open and honest communication and information sharing that takes place between employers and job candidates. It encompasses all aspects of the hiring process, from posting job descriptions to providing feedback on performance during and after the interview process. In today's job market, hiring transparency has become increasingly important for both employers and candidates alike.

  • Assistant Manager Resume Guide

    It can be very challenging for many individuals to find a job in the current economy. As a result, the unemployment rate is only starting to decrease after being at its highest since the Great Depression. One of many reasons this is occurring is because this pandemic has encouraged people to quit their jobs to search for better working conditions, become entrepreneurs, or change careers.

  • Get Ready, The Beginning of the Year is the Best Time to Job Search

    Frankly, if you need a job, the best time to apply for one is right now. But, regardless of timing, the competition is fierce and job seekers should do everything they can to score an advantage. Understanding when companies hire, the typical hiring season trends, and the right time of year to apply for jobs will give you the best chance at success.