
The H. Wood Group

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  • Do Your Candidates Really Need a College Degree?

    As a hiring manager tasked with making major decisions, it's easy to target a college degree as a way of saying yes, this candidate is qualified. I mean, how many times have we seen candidates without degrees try to squeeze their way into positions that they aren't qualified for. In fact, many hiring managers (maybe like yourself) believe that college degrees make candidates more job-ready. However, the current job market has shifted so much recently that it begs the question

  • How to Calculate Net Income

    Understanding your finances can be daunting even if you’re good with numbers. Your net income, in particular, is a key metric for determining how well you’re doing financially and whether your current way of operating is sustainable or not.

  • How to Hire Remote Workers

    Remote work used to be a thing of the future. However, with social, economic, and cultural events taking place across the country, it has now evolved into something that both job searchers AND companies are benefiting from. Remote work is multifaceted and can come in handy in a variety of situations. So, to help your small business take advantage of all of remote work's benefits, here is a short guide on how to hire remote workers.

  • How to Call Out of Work

    No matter how happy we are with our jobs, there are days when we feel overwhelmed and want to call out of work. No, don't feel guilty. It's expected because we're humans, and we can't control the uncertainties of life. But the problem lies in how to call out of work without seeming uncommitted to work, especially if you seldom get work-free days. 

  • The Best Remote Jobs: Where & How to Find Them

    The Covid-19 pandemic hasn’t been easy on any of us, but if there’s one silver lining, it’s the fact that remote work has grown in popularity because of it. Companies that previously weren’t open to their employees working remotely were suddenly forced into allowing it. Since then, they've realized that much of their workforce is happier and more productive. Naturally, this has led to more remote job openings, which is great if you’re interested in this type of position. Read on to learn more about the best remote jobs and where to find them. 

  • How to Write a Short Bio

    First impressions can be tricky. When meeting someone in person, it’s likely you have an elevator speech. These short, practiced introductions can help you share more about who you are, what you do for work and other facts about you. While this works well in a live, in-person context, there are many cases where professionals “meet” someone via written form - like social media, a resume, or published work. In these cases, your bio works as your first impression. So, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to write a short bio.