
Robert W. Baird & Co. Incorporated

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Robert W. Baird & Co. is an American multinational independent investment bank and financial services company.


  • How Far Back Should a Resume Go, Exactly?

    If you’re reading this article, then chances are you’re looking for a new job and want to whip your resume into shape. But lots of questions can arise as you begin to do that. After all, most of us aren’t career coaches or resume experts. Job hunters frequently ask one common question: how far back should a resume go? As in, should you list all of your work history – even if it stretches on for years – or should you be more selective?

  • Email Etiquette Principles - Why is it Important 

    Why is email etiquette important? Let's imagine you're hiring for a new role, and you’ve just received the email below.

  • How to Get a Union Job? A Step-by-Step Guide

    A union job can significantly impact your job security, pay, and employment benefits. Whether this is your first job or you have years of experience, a union job can offer much-needed protection in a labor market where employees are hired and fired at will. 

  • How to Decide Between Two Job Offers: 10 Practical Tips

    It’s arguably a good predicament to have. You’ve applied to many jobs, interviewed multiple times, and now find yourself with two legit job offers. Nice! But although this is a feel-good validation of everything you have to offer, a daunting choice lies ahead. How do you decide which job will be the best fit for you?

  • Why Work in Sales? 9 Reasons & Tips on Answering as an Interview Question!

    Working in sales can be demanding and challenging, but it can also be gratifying. Sales is an excellent career with a clear path full of excitement and potential for growth. So, if you're contemplating careers and have wondered "why work in sales?", keep reading to determine if sales is a suitable role for you.

  • Do Your Candidates Really Need a College Degree?

    As a hiring manager tasked with making major decisions, it's easy to target a college degree as a way of saying yes, this candidate is qualified. I mean, how many times have we seen candidates without degrees try to squeeze their way into positions that they aren't qualified for. In fact, many hiring managers (maybe like yourself) believe that college degrees make candidates more job-ready. However, the current job market has shifted so much recently that it begs the question