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  • 2023 Quarterly Review: What’s Happening in Recruitment?

    It’s that time again. It’s your quarterly review. Get excited because this is a great time to review some of the amazing accomplishments you and other pros like you have made in recruitment for 2023 thus far! Despite recruitment challenges, things are starting to balance out in the candidate market - partly because of the brilliant ideas and methods being used.

  • How To Decorate a Cubicle for Inspiration & Productivity

    You know the negative reputation cubicles have – dull, dreary, gray. How can you possibly be expected to sit in one every day and be your naturally productive, enthusiastic, and upbeat self? The answer lies in decorating your cubicle so it sparks creativity and feels welcoming. While this might seem impossible given the bland canvas you have to work with, take heart because it’s totally doable! 

  • When Rage Applying Strikes: How to Identify Unserious Candidates

    As the job market remains highly competitive, we have seen a surge in "rage applying." This is when candidates apply to multiple jobs, often without considering whether they are truly interested in the role. Rage applying goes hand-in-hand with quiet quitting. Often, employees want to entertain the thoughts and feelings of leaving their job, but they aren't necessarily serious about leaving yet. Meanwhile, other employees engaging in this trend are actually trying to find a better role. As a recruiter, it can be hard to identify who are the real applicants in a sea full of quiet quitters, but understanding rage applying and identifying red flags will certainly help.

  • How to Increase Job Ad Exposure

    In today's competitive job market, writing quality job ads is critical for attracting top talent to your organization. While networking and candidate referrals are prime real estate for finding qualified candidates, nothing beats the tried-and-true method of writing an extraordinary job ad. But while writing a great job ad is the first step, what's more important is increasing visibility. You could have the most detailed, well-written ad on the internet, but if no one sees it, then you are wasting time (and potentially money!). Employers often believe that job boards are the root of the problem, but you can learn how to increase job ad exposure by tweaking a few steps of your recruitment process.

  • What is Talent Mapping

    Every planner and recruiter knows that each strategic process requires a pre-strategic process. This is usually just the pre-planning phase of your master plan. Because hiring and recruiting involves many aspects of business (budgets, time, employees, planning, etc.), it is important to ask yourself a few questions to evaluate what resources you have to fulfill your hiring needs. These questions include:

  • How to Practice Fair Chance Hiring for People With Criminal Records

    Usually when you think of your dream hire, you think of someone who is respectful, trustworthy, reliable, and has sound judgment, right? As you envision your ideal candidate with these qualities, the last person you think of is someone with a criminal record.