
Meyer Jabara Hotels

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  • How to Build a Candidate Persona

    A candidate persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal candidate. Building a candidate persona is one of the best methods employers use to ensure their sourcing, recruiting, and hiring processes are focused. Knowing exactly what you're looking for streamlines everything and helps increase hiring confidence. So here's how to create a candidate persona and how to use it.

  • How to Get a Union Job? A Step-by-Step Guide

    A union job can significantly impact your job security, pay, and employment benefits. Whether this is your first job or you have years of experience, a union job can offer much-needed protection in a labor market where employees are hired and fired at will. 

  • How to Reject a Candidate Professionally

    When deciding on how to reject a candidate, your first question may be

  • How Does Salary Pay Work? (Compared to Hourly Pay)

    At the bottom of each job advertisement, companies label a role as salaried or hourly. Both methods will get you paid (yay), but each in very different ways. So, it's essential to figure out how does salary pay work? While employees paid by the hour are paid based on how long they work, employers pay salaried employees a fixed amount.

  • Decline a Job Offer Professionally: When to Rescind

    Your job search has finally paid off! After countless job applications, numerous emails, and several interviews, the hiring manager and other stakeholders have decided that you’re the right person for the job! All you have to do now is accept the offer and walk into the sunset, right?

  • Resume Job Description Samples - 8 Tips to Follow

    When looking for a job, your resume becomes a crucial element. From making a great first impression to showcasing all your achievements and potential, your resume has to portray your professional story in minutes.