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  • Common Misconceptions HR Has About Independent Contractors

    The “gig economy," which refers to the large group of individuals who choose to work as independent agents, has been growing rapidly since the mid-2000s. Actually, it’s exploding. According to a 2023 Fiverr survey of 2,000 US workers, “73% said they will either start freelancing or continue freelancing in 2023”. Here are some more amazing statistics to note:

  • Hiring College Graduates for 2023 | What Employers Need to Know

    Recruitment professionals are eagerly gearing up for graduation season, a time when companies can hire some of the top college graduates who will be heading into new careers. Employers must act fast if they want to reel in the freshest talent. With current labor shortages in a holding pattern so far this year, it’s beneficial for organizations to understand what 2023 college graduates want. That way, recruitment efforts can be fruitful. 

  • How to Get a Union Job? A Step-by-Step Guide

    A union job can significantly impact your job security, pay, and employment benefits. Whether this is your first job or you have years of experience, a union job can offer much-needed protection in a labor market where employees are hired and fired at will. 

  • How to Decide Between Two Job Offers: 10 Practical Tips

    It’s arguably a good predicament to have. You’ve applied to many jobs, interviewed multiple times, and now find yourself with two legit job offers. Nice! But although this is a feel-good validation of everything you have to offer, a daunting choice lies ahead. How do you decide which job will be the best fit for you?

  • How Does Salary Range Work (With Examples)

    What are your salary expectations? Do you know? Establishing a salary that compensates you fairly and keeps you happy at work can feel like taking a shot in the dark. And employers sure don’t make learning budgets easy! 

  • Guide to Hiring a Teenager

    Teenagers are full of life. They bring energy and adaptability that may be hard to get from older workers, but does that mean that hiring teens is beneficial? Well, it depends. As you debate whether or not you should integrate teenagers into your workforce, there are some things that you should know first.