
Florida Right to Life Inc

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  • How do Employers Verify Education?

    At any stage in your professional journey, you may come across an employer or a recruiter who asks to verify your educational credentials. This shouldn’t come as a surprise as 30% of candidates admitted to lying on their resumes, yet 79% of them never get caught. In fact, 85% of employers in the US who conduct background checks find that candidates have lied on their resumes or job applications. 

  • How to Be More Articulate and Speak More Clearly

    Have you ever had those moments when you're talking to someone and have no idea what they are saying? The best response you can muster up is a simple head nod or blind agreeance?

  • Hiring Transparency

    Transparency in hiring refers to the open and honest communication and information sharing that takes place between employers and job candidates. It encompasses all aspects of the hiring process, from posting job descriptions to providing feedback on performance during and after the interview process. In today's job market, hiring transparency has become increasingly important for both employers and candidates alike.

  • Recruitment strategies that are weird, but actually work 

    In the current candidate-driven job market, recruiters are looking for unique ways to attract talent. Some have resorted to even (dare we say it?) recruitment strategies on the border of weird and wacky. What can we learn from the unusual recruitment tactics that are being used and actually getting results? Here’s a rundown of some unique recruitment strategies that actually work. 

  • Spotting the Details to Build a Construction Project Manager Resume

    So you’re ready to become a Construction Project Manager! To achieve this goal, you need to find the right role and write the best resume you can to show a prospective employer that you’re a great fit.

  • 6 Tips to Create a Management Consulting Resume + Sample

    So, you want to land a job as a management consultant? Well, here is a management consultant resume sample and some tips below. This will help you create a mind-blowing resume that will keep you in the spotlight during recruitment.