• Virtual Reality Job Interviews

    With the advent of desktop computers, the arduous task of scouring through weekly job classifieds became a thing of the past. The mid-1990s brought about a new era where job seekers could easily search and apply for jobs online. The introduction of AOL's Instant Messaging feature provided an even faster means for employers and candidates to communicate and schedule interviews. As smartphones became more pervasive in the early 2000s, hiring managers increasingly used phone calls for screening and interviewing candidates. Despite this trend, over 80% of interviews still took place in person.

  • A Potential TikTok Ban?!

    As you may already know, there has been a lot of talk lately about the possibility of a TikTok ban. While this has not yet come to fruition, it's important to consider the implications this could have for businesses and recruiters who rely on TikTok as a platform to market their brand, recruit new talent, and connect with their audience.

  • When Rage Applying Strikes: How to Identify Unserious Candidates

    As the job market remains highly competitive, we have seen a surge in "rage applying." This is when candidates apply to multiple jobs, often without considering whether they are truly interested in the role. Rage applying goes hand-in-hand with quiet quitting. Often, employees want to entertain the thoughts and feelings of leaving their job, but they aren't necessarily serious about leaving yet. Meanwhile, other employees engaging in this trend are actually trying to find a better role. As a recruiter, it can be hard to identify who are the real applicants in a sea full of quiet quitters, but understanding rage applying and identifying red flags will certainly help.

  • How to Gracefully Quit a Job You Just Started

    You’ve just started learning the ropes at your new job, and you've gotten to know your colleagues. But you’re already thinking about quitting. Maybe you were deciding between to job offers and realized that you’ve made the wrong choice. Or, a change in your personal circumstances means that you have to quit.

  • 10 Reasons HR is Important to an Organization

    "Nothing we do is more important than hiring and developing people."

  • Collaborative Recruiting: The Key to a Better Talent Acquisition Strategy

    Talent acquisition is a multi-stage process where candidates undergo various application steps before getting hired. The unfortunate reality is that it is a labor-intense system, with the hiring manager and recruiter often handling all of the work on their own. Ask any one of them, and you will hear about the overabundance of applications and the demanding task of filtering through them to find the best candidates. The quality of talent suffers under the weight of all that work on one person's hands. It's not easy, but as many companies are starting to realize, there is a better way. The future of talent acquisition lies in collaborative recruiting!