
Lindamood - Bell

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  • How Long Does it Take to Hear Back from a Job?

    Are you applying for your very first job? Maybe you’re anticipating your termination from your current role and want to be proactive. Either way, waiting to hear back on your job application can be stressful. If time has passed since you applied, you may wonder how long does it take to hear back from a job. Well, the answer is... it depends. 

  • How to Respond to a Recruiter Through Email? (Tips & Examples)

    Rather than wading through an endless list of open roles, wouldn’t it be nice if relevant job opportunities come to you?

  • Internship Cover Letter Tips with Examples

    Until now, college has been about learning, absorbing, and experiencing. It’s not until you become eligible for an internship that things start getting real—real-world experiences using real-life scenarios. Applying for internships takes time, and there’s no college course on “how to apply for jobs.” (We’d sign up immediately if there was, though!) But here's a spoiler alert: most internships require a cover letter. And while this may seem like a burden, it’s actually a blessing. 

  • Tips to Get Your First Job Confidently

    Whether you’re a recent graduate or you still have a few exams left, you may be itching to put your polished leather shoes on and join the workforce. After all, your first job is an entryway into the professional life you’d lead for the decades to come.

  • What Makes a Company a Great Place to Work

    After one too many after-hours emails, you’re on the hunt for a new gig. But what makes a company a great place to work? And how will you know when you find one? Finding a motivating, safe, and productive work environment is important for our mental and physical health. If you’re financially frustrated, creatively stuck, or just plain over it, it’s time to find a healthier workplace where you can flourish.  

  • What Makes a Good Boss? The Top 12 Qualities & Attributes

    Think back to the best boss you’ve ever had—does someone come to mind? We hope so! Okay, now think back to the worst boss you’ve ever had. I’m sure you can conjure up a few faces.