Job Searching Jobs

Find your Fit: The Top Business Job Titles and Descriptions

Simone Feagen

Small Business Consultant and Career Mentor

Job’s titles in business positions can be different depending on the organization. They can have varying descriptions, salaries and job satisfaction ratings based on the position, role, skill and company culture.

Additionally, business position titles are not always straightforward. Their meanings can be interpreted differently depending on where they are used. For example, “consulting” is one of many ambiguous business positions. Generally, it is referred to as being the head of a team of experts. However, business job descriptions of a “consulting” title could range from providing strategy to managing projects to designing products.

While some business positions are very general and dependent, others can be very specific to reflect the industry, career path, tenure, and experience. To help clarify the varying business position titles, we will review 11 job title descriptions and top job titles.

Top 11 List of Job Titles in Business

Information technology business positions

Information Technology

Information Technology jobs are important because they can help organizations achieve their goals. Businesses rely on IT professionals for many different tasks, but especially for ensuring that technology is properly functioning and secure. IT professionals are also are responsible for designing, developing, managing, and maintaining computer-based systems. The demand for IT professionals is increasing more and more every year because of the rapid growth of technology.

Though there are many different types of IT jobs available, here are some common examples of business positions in the industry.

business positions #2 - human resources. Girl interviewing a robot

Human Resources

Though many people don’t recognize it, HR professionals are specialized workers and have to possess a number of skillsets. Their typical business job descriptions include managing people from diverse backgrounds, handling complex issues related to diversity and inclusion, and ensuring that the company’s employees are happy. Additionally, HR professionals need a humanistic understanding of people and an analytical understanding of the business. In the same way, they must understand how candidate engagement and employee motivation is linked to company growth.

Examples of some common business positions in this industry are:

business positions #3 - finance and accounting cartoon graphic

Finance and accounting

Accounting and finance professionals are responsible for compiling and analyzing data related to a company’s financial condition. They also help to identify the company’s financial goals, needs, opportunities, and risks. What is equally important is their ability to involve themselves in many tasks related to the operations of the business. For instance, budgeting, forecasting, reporting on performance or financial status are all skills that must be present.

Unsurprisingly, an accounting or finance professional wouldn’t only hold a job in a company that is strictly finance, accounting, banking, or insurance. Accounting and finance professionals can work in almost any industry they’d like because every company needs someone to help manage finances.

Here are a few common business job positions for this industry:

business positions #4 - magnifying glass for research


With the help of data, organizations can figure out what strategies will best fit their business and their customers. This helps them to improve any underperforming areas and make the most out of their resources and talent. Consequently, a big part of making decisions based on data is for companies to collect and analyze data. In order to do that, they not only need someone to collect the data, but they need someone to organize it in a way that everyone can understand. This is where the role of an analyst comes in.

This is a list of common analyst business positions:

Writing - Learn how to properly list your education on resume documents


Writing is essential for ANY company – whether it is technical or creative. You’ll often find that having a mastery of good writing can land you a high-paying job. A good writer typically has an understanding of the structure of language and how it influences a targeted audience. Additionally, great writers tend to be versatile. They can create various types of content such as blog posts, social media posts, articles, emails, and more. Business position titles that specialize in writing may also be asked to create newsletters, brochures, email marketing pieces, and press releases.

Here are the top jobs related to writing in business:

business jobs titles #6 - techno customer service cartoon graphic

Customer Service

Customer Service is the branch of a company that is responsible for handling customer complaints, inquiries, and issues. In fact, the primary responsibility of Customer Service is to provide timely and accurate responses to customer queries. This specifically includes resolving any problems they may encounter with products or services offered by the company. It also involves answering questions regarding policies, procedures, orders, billing information, and more.

Some common job titles in this industry are:

business jobs titles #7 - male with a briefcase being selected for the sales team


Sales are the process of representing a business and trying to find prospects who might want to buy their product or service. Salespeople are directly responsible for generating revenues and making sure that the company is profitable. So, you can say the success of a business is highly dependent on its sales team.

Customer-facing roles in the company such as marketing or retail call center representatives rely on their sales team to close deals with customers and make a profit for themselves and the company. Sales jobs can also be seen as a way of controlling costs by ensuring that only those with the most potential and skills are chosen for the position. Some common job titles in this industry are:

how to write an executive resume


The top executives of a company are called the C-Suite. While the CEO and CFO are the most well known positions in a C-suite, there are a range of other business office titles who accompany them. Together, the team of executives are at the forefront of a company’s operation. They make decisions about how to run the company while also managing their employees and resources. For this reason, they assume nearly all responsibility for the business’s success and failure.

This is a list of popular C-Suite job titles:

business positions #9 using technology for operations jobs


Operations business positions are an essential part of any corporation. Above all, people who work in operations ensure that business enterprises are run efficiently and smoothly. Due to their importance in running a functional business, operations managers must have strong leadership skills, be able to work well on their own and be able to oversee the activities of many different people with different skill sets.

There are four main dimensions of operations management: finance, customers, internal processes, and learning and innovation. Because these 4 dimensions are essential to any business, there are a number of job titles and industries one can pursue.

Five popular operations business job titles are:

#10 - different stages of marketing and advertising

Marketing and advertising

Companies need to create an awareness and a perceived need for their products. Though other methods could be used, marketing and advertising departments are usually in charge of generating the buzz around the company’s products. Often, tasks in this field could range from content creation to advertising and broadcasting, so job titles have a high level of variance.

Here are some common marketing and advertising job titles:

#11- calculator to add numerical figures


The insurance industry is rapidly evolving to keep up with the rapid changes in the technological world. More specifically, digital disruption is transforming how people work, communicate, and travel. As a result, clients are seeking more personalized experiences and products that meet their needs. So the insurance industry must adapt to changing markets, while still providing services & products to protect people and businesses against risk and financial losses. Some common titles in this industry are:

As you can see, career options can vary depending on the industry, job title, and company. With this in mind, you can use this guide to learn about the top business job titles available. While the world is your oyster, it is good to take things step by step. That is why we have compiled several choices that will help direct you to follow a career path that fuels your ambitions.

Remember success begins with a tailored resume and cover letter with keywords specific to the job description, so be sure to check out our resume resources sprinkled throughout the blog.

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