Job Searching

10 Best Tips to Find a Job When Relocating

Marcie Wilmot

Certified Resume Writer, Career Coach, Business Writer

Are you planning to move? That’s great news, but now you might wonder what that means for your job. Some people are lucky – they can relocate and keep working the same position as always, just remotely. For others, however, this isn’t an option. They must search for and land a job in their soon-to-be new city. This can be intimidating, given that getting a new job even under normal circumstances can be challenging. Now you’ll have to overcome additional hurdles. This article provides valuable tips on how to find a job in another state. Because it can be done! Read on to learn how.

Relocating Job: Is it the Right Decision?

Before you move forward trying to find a job in a new state or city, you need to examine whether this is the right choice for you or not. First, can you approach your current employer to see if remote work is an option? Nowadays, companies are more frequently open to this possibility. As long as you don’t mind alerting your employer to the fact that you plan to move, it doesn’t hurt to ask.

You can also try searching your company’s intranet to see if there are any openings where you plan to relocate. Transferring within the same company can be an ideal scenario.

Considerations to Find a Job When Relocating

There are several things you should consider before starting your job search. First, are you financially ready? The amount you have saved might dictate whether you begin your search before or after you move. For instance, if you have plenty of cash in reserve, it might be easier to move, get settled, and start looking. If this isn’t the case, begin your job hunt as soon as possible.

Second, do you know anyone where you’re moving to? This might simplify things because you can (nicely ask to) stay at their house after in-person interviews. If you don’t, expect to pay for hotel rooms, or perhaps it’ll be best to move before starting your search.

How to Find a Job in Another State – 10 Effective Tips

It might seem daunting, but if you put your mind to it, you can find a job in another state or city in no time. Learn from those who came before you and increase your chances by following the ten tips below:

1. Look for Remote Opportunities

Since the pandemic, remote and hybrid jobs are more prevalent than ever. Use this to your advantage. Offer to continue working remotely for your original employer after you move while they look for a replacement (this will provide you with much-needed income while you get settled). Search for remote and hybrid options when seeking a new job too.

Additionally, you can look for a new remote working opportunity. That way, you can still move to a new city without the obligation of committing to an in-office job.

2. Search for Networking Platforms

Sometimes it’s all about who you know. It doesn’t hurt to reach out to people who might be able to help you get your foot in the door somewhere. Maybe someone in your LinkedIn network knows of an opening in your desired city.

3. Research Local Job Market

Pull up local job ads online and peruse them. Just be sure to clearly explain your relocation plans in any cover letters you send.

4. Sign Up for Job Alerts

LinkedIn, Indeed, and Job\Searcher offer alerts that notify you of openings in specific locations. Set up alerts for your desired city so you can apply to jobs right after they’re posted.

5. Be Available for Interviews

This is challenging because, obviously, if you live far away, it’s hard to be available for in-person interviews. For important ones, fly in and stay overnight. For others, see if you can set up a Zoom interview instead.

6. Find a Local Address in the New City

Sometimes HR will throw away resumes that have distant cities on them. Consider getting a local PO box or leaving your address off entirely, so your resume doesn’t get chucked.

7. Request Job Transfer at the Same Company

Search your company’s intranet to see if they have any job openings in your desired city, and then apply. This is ideal because getting a new job with your current employer will be easier than introducing yourself to a brand-new company.

8. Update Your Resume

This is an obvious one! Make sure your resume is the best it can be so you get calls for interviews. Have a professional revamp it or, at the very least, ask a trusted friend to proofread it, so it’s error-free.

9. Utilize Alumni Associations

Don’t hesitate to contact folks who attended the same university as you; given your connection, they might be more willing to help you than someone else. 

10. Give Yourself Plenty of Time to Find a Job

This might be somewhat out of your control, but try to give yourself as much time as possible to find a new job in another state or city. Recognize that this can be a grueling process and will probably take a while. Be realistic but stay optimistic too!

Prepare for Relocation Questions During the Interview

When you score an interview, be prepared to honestly answer questions about why you’re relocating. The interviewer might feel it’s risky to move someone along in the process who may never move, so assure them you will be. Give them an estimated timeline and explain the reason for the move (whether it’s because of a spouse’s job change, family illness, change in your marital status, etc.). You don’t have to get too personal, but explaining why you’re moving will reassure the interviewer that you’ll soon live in their area – and for a substantial period of time.

Handle the Interview Schedule Carefully

Scheduling and attending interviews can be the trickiest part of getting a job when you aren’t yet local, but you have a couple of options.

You won’t always be able to attend an in-person interview if you haven’t moved yet, but that shouldn’t deter you from seeking other options. You can ask for the interview to be held virtually on a program like Zoom or Microsoft Teams. This way, they can see you, but you won’t have to outlay any money for the interview.

Ask the company if they’re willing to cover your travel expenses. They might be willing to do this if they are interested enough and need to hire someone. Generally, larger companies have the funds to cover these requests, whereas smaller ones might not. It is still beneficial to ask because even if the company can’t cover the entire cost, they may be able to cover a portion.

You can try to set up multiple in-person interviews for various companies in the same couple of days. This way, you can make the trip once and move forward in the interview process with several companies simultaneously, saving money.

How a Strategic Cover Letter Will Help You Get Another Job When Relocating

One of the best ways to increase your chances of getting a job while you’re out of state is to include an honest and well-written cover letter with your resume. Clearly explain why you’re relocating, so the employer understands the situation and trusts that you’ll live by them in the near future.

How exactly should you tell the interviewer what’s going on? See below for an example of how you can write this:

I’m planning to move to [Location Name] in August because my spouse is continuing her education at a university in the area. We are excited about relocating and plan to stay in [Location Name] for several years. I am confident that my skills, personality, and experience are the perfect match for this role at your company.

Frequently Asked Questions About Finding a Job in Another State

Below are the answers to several frequently asked questions about how to find a job in a new city.

Should I move without a job?

This depends entirely on your financial circumstances. Do you have money saved that can cover several months of expenses and health insurance while you move? If not, then start your job search before you relocate. Don’t forget that there will also be moving costs to cover.

What age is good to move out?

If you still live at home and are considering moving out of state, many experts think that age 25 is an excellent time to take this leap. Although moving out sooner is an option, you can more easily save money if you stay home for several years.

Is it hard to get a job out of state?

It’s not easy, but it’s doable. Start by putting together a strong resume and a cover letter that explains why you’re moving. Then follow the tips mentioned above to boost your odds of landing a job in another state.


There’s already a lot to contend with when you’re planning to move out of state. Add in trying to find your next job, which can start to feel quite stressful. But rest easy knowing that many others have attempted this feat and succeeded, and you can too. 

Overcome this challenge by networking, writing an honest cover letter, and exploring remote work options. Move forward bravely, and before you know it, you’ll have a fantastic new job in a unique new city!

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